Since you saw it here ...

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Edited by Eddie Fernandes

5 Queen Mothers Drive, Denham Garden Village, UB9 5GA

Home Forthcoming Events Forthcoming Funerals UK Goan Organisations Contact Us Subscribe to Newsletter

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The charge for listing events is £50 each.

Please note that this covers:
A preliminary announcement indicating the event date to minimise the chance of a clash. Revision of this entry will be free.
Listing, max. 1000 characters, on the Goan Voice website, up to a year ahead.
A link to your flyer mounted on the Goan Voice or your website.
At least 4 inserts in the daily newsletter normally on Fridays, in the period immediately prior to the event.
An entry in the news section of the Goan Voice site ASAP.
A link to your website, if required.
The fee for any alteration of text after it has been submitted will be £20 each time so make certain that the information you provide is accurate and complete. However there is no charge for subsequently indicating that an event has sold out.

Please submit event announcement in the Goan Voice house style see: Keep the use of block capitals to a minimum.
Maximum no. of characters is 1000. You can have as much text as you like in your flyer.
A small image of your flyer or a section of it will appear in the Goan Voice Daily Newsletter so keep it photogenic.
Your flyer can be linked to the announcement if it is sent in .jpg, doc. or pdf format.
Please submit the text in an email and the flyer, if any, as an attachment, to
There is a listing of UK Goan organisations at Inclusion is free but if your organisation has its own website, reciprocal linking is expected.

Until further notice payment by credit card Or PayPal to

Photographs and messages to be sent directly to the interim Editor, Selma Carvalho

Thank you,

Selma Carvalho

Goan Voice UK designed by VCOMPLETE
and funded by donations and sponsorship from the world-wide Goan Community and friends of Goa.