Fernandes, Public Relations Director, Goan Association UK will
be LIVE in the "Hot Seat" discussion on the Goan Community this
Saturday, 21 Jul. between 09:00 -09:30 on Premier Christian Radio
Sky Digital 873/ MW 1305 / 1332 /1413. The UK Goan Community is
requested to e-mail melrose@dial.pipex.com
or tel. 07970 668879 (mobile) with comments/views to be put forward.
July (Sat.)G.O.A. THE FUTURE DIRECTION: All Welcome to an Open
Forum Meeting at 3.00 PM at Club Jasmins, 202 Upper Tooting Rd.
SW17 (entrance is in Hebden Rd). Nearest tube stations Tooting
Bec and Tooting Broadway (Northern Line).
kick-start the discussion, Frank Carvalho, the Welfare Director
of the Association, has prepared a paper. This is a summary.
are two main issues: 1. To maintain good financial checks 2. Develop
a harmonious and caring community.
It would be ideal to "ring fence" a large part of the capital
obtained from the insurance claim and sale of the grounds. The
main alternatives are introducing safeguards while retaining the
company status or dissolving the company and have a Trust to look
after the capital with an executive committee to run the Association.
What kind of Association should cater for the future needs of
the Goans in the UK? We have to be all embracing and include the
young and the old. This can be achieved by networking and maintaining
a directory of professionals and volunteer helpers. We should
have meaningful links with Goa and other Goan organisations overseas.
The UK Goans have the ability to form the focal link for a meaningful
Worldwide Goan community if we could get our act together.
However, to further the above, it is essential to have a Goan
Centre in London. The preferred location would be an area where
many Goans already reside. We need a wide and positive input by
all Goans to progress. Please come to the open forum, e-mail your
comments to berniegracias@aol.com
or write to Bernie Gracias, 76 Middleton Avenue, Greenford, Middx.
UB6 8BS. Remember if you are not part of the solution, then you
are part of the problem.
Open Meeting above will be followed by a Brainstorming Session
and Discussion on the Funding and Donations Appeal of this Newsletter.
Send your comments to eddie@fernandes.u-net.com
£700 pledged so far. The next issue of the Newsletter will
hopefully report the decision regarding the Pledges. Keep them
rolling in!
Jul. Porvorim: MARY SANTAMARIA, wife of late
Apollinario. Sister of Ernest/Philu (London), Lucy/Vincent, Leonila/Gaspar
(London) & Margaret.
12 Jul. Candolim ANTHONY XAVIER JOE D'SILVA (Ex-Cable
& Wireless, Zanzibar), husband of late Kathleen, father of
Yvonne, Katusha, Hyacinth and Myrna.
Jul. Candolim. JOHN COSME D'MELLO (ex.Tanzania
-Lands and Mines). Husband of Ana Gracia. Father of Vera, Mariza/Aubrey,
Ana/ late Nozer, Anjou (London), Lorraine & Baptist/Olinda.
Condolence messages to Baptist D'Mello bapolie@yahoo.com.
mainly from Joel D'Souza in Goa, courtesy of GOACOM, e-mail: goanow@sancharnet.in
free fortnightly, tabloid newspaper, Mapusa Plus has been launched.
It covers the surrounding areas such as Anjuna, Calangute, Saligao,
Parra, Moira and Aldona. e-mail: infoline@goatelecom.com
asking for free electronic access.
Astrid Almeida, veterinary doctor at International Animal Rescue
in Assagao, is off to Colorado, for advanced training.
Statesman, 12 Jul. revealed the medical insurance scam. Foreigners
and NRIs are being targeted in Goa in a new scam. Doctors at private
hospitals pay a commission to restaurants and hotels to give the
victims contaminated food. The doctor is called to attend to the
food poisoning and he insists on a prolonged stay at his hospital.
The travel insurance firm of the victim is charged an exorbitant
rate for the treatment.
Patel, a Goa-based health researcher and psychiatrist. who is
a senior lecturer with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine, has studied the figures of births in Goa over the last
10 years. There has been a significant reduction in the number
of girls born. Pre-natal sex-determination techniques are being
used and female foetuses aborted.
for the full text of items marked *) .
Jun. The Express. Lucy d'Abreu (nee D'Souza) aged 109, has become
Scotland's oldest living person. She was born in Dharwar and educated
at the Belgaum convent. She married a doctor, Abundius Joseph
d'Abreu, later to become a cousin-by-marriage to the Queen Mother.
They settled in Waterford, Ireland. In all her years, she insists,
she has never experienced racism. She said: "Being Indian was
a positive advantage for us. We were known the length and breadth
of Ireland." She now lives in Annfield Nursing Home, Stirling.
330 words.
2001 India Today Plus. Cruising down the Mandovi on the floating
Casino Goa is the latest attraction. Cartoonist Mario Miranda,
who's never gambled in his life, finds that the Casino is not
the den of iniquity it is made out to be and that it is the Goan
ladies who are the clients. Full text at: http://www.goacom.com/news/news2001/jul/msg00027.html
Jul. The Evening Standard. Walking with the Gods. Kevin Rushby
writes from Goa "prolonged exposure to fenny can disconnect some
mental faculties." 1044 words. Click
Jul. The Scotsman …One of India's news magazines recently ran
an article on Kerala's new-found status as a destination for foreign
tourists, but the reality is many travellers to India, at least
the hippy-dippy kind, still stop at Goa. This is good news, as
it means heavy-duty hawkers, rip-off merchants and dodgy rickshaw
drivers - fixtures in India's seriously touristy areas - have
yet to drift further south…
Jul. The Ottawa Citizen. Travel article on backpacking. "Most
[backpackers] eventually ended up in Goa, where they could enjoy
free love, practically free dope and revel in their unwashed hippiedom
free from the derogatory denunciations of straight society." 2791
words. Full text at: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/travel/010714/5011277.html
Jul. The Birmingham Post. Even though we've been dressing like
we're about to board the Marrakech Express or live barefoot in
Goa for a few years (all tie-dyed tops, hippy skirts, rows of
beads and floaty dresses), it's always nice to come home to a
smart piece of tailoring.
Jul. Western Morning News. Carrie Earls, a former Newton Abbot
schoolgirl who appears in the Channel Five series Vets Abroad.
has now returned to Britain to work for the RSPCA.
Jul. Sports Illustrated. Robert Fernandes, Jules Alberto, Mahesh
Gowali and Alvito D'Cunha figure among the 22 players, who have
been selected for the Indian squad for the forthcoming four-match
exposure tour to England. Manager is Agnelo Alcasous. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/soccer/news/2001/07/18/india_brentford_reu/
The Programme is: July 24 vs Brentford. July 28 vs Nottingham
Forest. July 31 vs Leyton Orient. Aug. 3 vs Walsall
Jul. The Nation (Nairobi). More revelations on the Pio Gama Pinto
assassination. 1569 words. See:
Jul. 6.00pm - The Metropolitan Bar, 7 Station Approach Baker Street
Underground. YLGS (Young London Goans Social - Free Membership
21-40+). Contact marie.pereira@talk21.com
July 3.00pm :G.O.A. Open Forum Meeting followed by Discussion
on the Future of this Newsletter. Club Jasmins, 202 Upper Tooting
Rd. SW17 (entrance is in Hebden Rd). Nearest tube station Tooting
Bec and Tooting Broadway.
21 Jul. 7.30pm 12:00 Leicester Goan Association. Charity Dance
in Aid of the Earthquake Appeal for Gujarat. The Jungle Club,
Checketts Road, Leicester. Dress Smart Casual. Admission, inc.
meal Adults £10.00. Children £ 5.00. Annie Mandricks
0116-273-9210 or Joyce D'Souza 0116-266-4202
Jul. Tivimnenses Annual Social at the Bishop Thomas Grant School
Hall, Streatham Contact :Helen De Souza 0208 304 5585
Jul. Guirim-Sangolda will be hosting their annual BBQ at Ewell
Sports & Social Club, Banstead Road, Ewell, Surrey, from 12.00
onwards. Promises to be a fun filled day for young and old. For
tickets please contact Joe Figuera 020 86537611, Jane Gracias
020 85435454 or Milo Mendonsa 0118 9574937.
Jul. Goan Festival in conjunction with Goan Organisations. THE
UK GOAN EVENT OF THE YEAR! Archbishop Lanfranc School. Mitcham
Road, Croydon. Diego Pinto 020-8767 0663 or Cornelius Monteiro
020-8681 8716. For stalls contact Bernie Gracias 020-8723 1322.
South East Goans. Coach Sharon ~ 0208 301 5242 / southeastgoans.d-souza@virgin.net
Jul. Pilgrimage to Aylesford to celebrate the 2nd HEALING CONVENTION
OF OUR LADY OF HEALTH, VAILANKANNI There will be coaches leaving
from various parts of London. For further information please contact
Fr. Arthur Moraes on 020 8977 5682. E-mail : frmoraes81@hotmail.com
Web: www.vailankanni.co.uk
Aug. 7pm till late. Party!! Party!!, White Hart Lane, Wood-Green,
London. Come and enjoy music for everyone including R&B, Garage,
Soca, and Konkani played by 'Say One Do One Disco' Snacks available,
tickets £8 in advance. Paul Mendes 020-8888 1400. South
East Goans. Coach Sharon ~ 0208 301 5242 / southeastgoans.d-souza@virgin.net
Aug. Cruise Dinner Dance. Five hours of dancing to live music
while cruising on the River Thames. Watch the bright lights of
London in the background and enjoy a scrumptious buffet dinner.
Tickets £18 each until 31st July. Edna 020 8672 1973 emoraes@Talk21.com
or Francisco, 01689 870234 franciscodesouza@hotmail.com
Aug. G.O.A. Sports Day. Archbishop Lanfranc School. Offers of
help to Peter Rodrigues 020-8399 4883. For stalls contact Norma
Menezes-Rahim at 020-8771 4457.
Aug. Chorao UK. Feast of St Bartholomew. Merton Hall, 76 Kingston
Road SW19. Mass at 12.00 p.m. followed by a Social. Music by Breakthru'.
Tickets: above 15 years £8.00 with meal. 12-15 years £5.00
with meal. Below 12 years free. For further details contact Claver,
020 8672 4562 or Mervyn 020 8689 2970. |