Goan Community celebrates the Club Centenary. Article by Natasha
Tavares and photograph of the Mombasa Institute Centenary Managing
Committee 2001. Excerpts: … At the Club's heyday, the membership
roll amounted to over a thousand people…Serafino Antao, the first
Kenyan to win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games in 1962,
was a Mombasa Goan and an honorary member of the Institute…Gold
souvenirs of the MI logo were presented to Albert Castanha and
Mrs. Meldrita Laurent Viegas now in Canada, who had been nominated
Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Century…175 former members and
their families from places as far-flung as Australia travelled
home to join in the celebrations… Full article, 1690 words, in
Coastweek 23 Nov. at http://www.goacom.com/news/news2001/nov/news16.htm
to the generosity of the Municipal Corporation of Lisbon, Casa
de Goa, the Association of Goans settled in Portugal now has ample
and luxurious new purpose-built headquarters. The inauguration
took place on the 28 Nov. From Paulo Colaco Dias: Photographs
of the new excellent premises of Casa de Goa are now available
from the Casa de Goa web page at: http://www.goacom.com/casa-de-goa/novasede.html
youth from the GOA [Goans of Arusha] have set-up a goa_youth group
at Yahoo. To learn more about them, please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa_youth
Tony Correia-Afonso, President, World Wide Goans: All Goans, wherever
they may be, are invited to attend the Third International Goan
Convention 2001 and Art Exhibition on "Goan Cultural Heritage"
at the Kala Academy, Panjim on Saturday, 29th. December 2001 from
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mr. Victor Menezes, Chairman & CEO of Citibank
n.a. will be the Chief Guest and Shri Pratapsingh Rane, Hon'ble
Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly will preside. Among the
Guests of Honour are Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar and Mr. Charles
Correa, eminent architect. Entrance is free and open to all. Further
info: tonyca@goatelecom.com
John J. D'Souza, Toronto: For the Goans in Toronto, the celebration
of the feast of St Francis Xavier on 8 Dec. will be a special
event. It is being celebrated for the first time by the community
in the newly consecrated Church of Saint Francis Xavier in Mississauga.
The mass celebration will be preceded by a procession of the relic
of the Saint brought to the Church by its founding Pastor, Fr.
Terence D'Souza. The feast will be followed by a "Family Fair"
in the Church hall with food and gift stalls, all catering to
Goan tastes.
Time Out 28 Nov: Wed. 5 Dec. 8 pm Diane Nalini, Half-Belgian,
half-Goan vocalist from Montreal - a runner up in this year's
Perrier Young Jazz Musician awards, performs at Spice of Life,
6 Moor Street W 1. Her forthcoming performances includes: Fri,
14 Dec. 9pm The Salena Jones Restaurant, Jazz and Music Room,
184 Uxbridge Road, Shepherd's Bush Green, London W12. Photographs,
biography, downloads, contact details etc. at http://www.dianenalini.com/
a twenty-something Montrealer, Rhodes Scholar, Doctor of Applied
Physics (lunches with Richard Dawkins!)… Tom Terrellin in "All
About Jazz" "Maybe it's her mixed parentage - a Belgian father,
a Goan mother - or maybe it's having spent most of her life in
cosmopolitan Montreal. Whatever it is, Diane Nalini possesses
a musical curiosity (not to mention a trilingual fluency) that
immediately sets her apart from most fledgling jazz songstresses…"
Planet Jazz Magazine. 2001 Elegant, intelligent, and a sultry
songstress to boot, this is the kind of woman that makes grown
men weep..." Isis magazine, 2001
Nov. Toronto. HENRY MONIZ (ex. Nairobi), aged
82. Husband to Elsie. Father to Debra/Denzil Noronha, Trevor/Karen,
Kevin. Grandfather to Megan & Melissa. Survived by brother-in-law
Anthony & Elma De Souza, niece Valerie Moniz, nephew Alfred
Moniz. Source: Toronto Star.
on the Goan Community Centre, Tottenham: Toilets are in! And now
we are looking for volunteers to help paint the Centre." Also,
skilled volunteers wanted to lay the floor tiles. Candy Fernandes
you to those who responded to the appeal from Goa for unwanted
software on CD-ROM - the kind included free in Computer magazines.
Others intending to contribute are asked to post items BY 3 Dec.
to me : Eddie Fernandes, 1 Onslow Gardens, Muswell Hill, London
N10 3JT.
mainly from Joel D'Souza in Goa, courtesy of GOACOM, e-mail: goanow@sancharnet.in
Goa's Transportation Woes. Navhind Times 24 Nov.
Cook has suggested further liberalisation in the chartered airlines
policy in India to allow chartered companies to carry outbound
passengers from India. Navhind Times 26 Nov.
Su-Raj political Party is to be launched in Goa on 19th. December,
1988 a four-year-old Nigerian child was raped in Anjuna. The police
were reluctant to act and top politicians had connived to protect
the assailants it is claimed. The parents managed to press charges
after their Embassy intervened. The verdict of the Court is imminent
and last week the whole family was subjected to a brutal assault.
The wife was gagged, stripped, had chilly powder rubbed into her
eyes and was subjected to an attempted rape. Their property was
burnt and stolen and they were evicted from their house. Gomantak
Times 25 Nov. A fuller account is at: http://www.goacom.com/goanet/
message 18845
webpage of Novenas & Feast of St Francis Xavier, with timings
of Mass and Novenas from 24 Nov.to 3 Dec. is at www.goacom.com/culture/religion/sfx/novena.html
to the preference for a male child, India today has one of the
largest markets of `sex-determination techniques'. Now available
is an imported kit claiming to ensure the conception of a `child
of choice.' Hindustan Times 25 Nov.
three accused in the murder of UK National, Eamon Peter Helly
at Hotel Nova Goa in 1991 have been discharged this week owing
to the lack of evidence. Navhind Times 29 Nov.
For details of the murder, see Sunday Times (UK) 17 Jan 1999.
message 3120
turning into a destination for sex tourists: Child Rights for
Goa. Herald 28 Nov. http://www.oherald.com/Goanews/news2.htm#6
is to have a modern market complex in a year's time, disclosed
Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar. "This will be the best market
in the whole of Asia", he claimed.
for the full text of items marked *) .
Nov. The Observer. Review: Living: Nothing to get smiley about:
Police attitudes to Ecstasy may be softening, but some old ravers
are beginning to worry that there's a price to pay for the good
times they had 10 years ago…Serena, a teacher in her late thirties
told me: 'I got into Ecstasy much later then anyone else I know.
I was nearly 29 and had a 20-year-old boyfriend who dealt it.
We used to go to Ibiza and Goa and had the most fantastic time…
Nov. Daily Record (Scotland). Annie Brown Column:…there are lots
of other healthy ways to beat the bulge - I found 10 days of dysentery
after a trip to Goa did the trick…
Nov. Yahoo News. . Hip hop superstar Sean 'P Diddy' Combs (formerly
known as Puff Daddy) launched a documentary on the perils of AIDS,
to be beamed to almost 600 million people by the pop music channel
MTV on Dec.1, World Aids Day. The documentary tours the world
from Stockholm to Goa … http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011126/re/aids_mtv_dc_2.html
Nov. Times of India. UK to boost trade ties with Goa.
Nov. Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Switzerland). New restaurant at
Market Lane, Zurich. …The kitchen boss Mesquita Sainora is only
25 years old. She was born in Goa … the culinary art speaks of
the young woman from Goa. Article in German at: http://www.nzz.ch/2001/11/28/zh/page-article7TG0T.html
Nov.Travel Trade Gazette. …Commercial manager of Freedom Direct,
Nick Jackson said that long-haul holidays, particularly to Goa
and the Maldives, were selling surprisingly well…
1 Dec. 7.00 pm - 11.00 pm. THORNTON HEATH GOANS. Feast of St Francis
Xavier. St Andrew's Church Hall, Quadrant Road, Thornton Heath.
Music by "Say One Do One" Anthony D'Souza 020 8689 6447 for details.
2 Dec. G.O.A. Feast of St. Francis Xavier. Archbishop Lanfranc
School, Mitcham Road, Croydon. Choir by the GOAN MUSICAL SOCIETY
Tickets: £3.00 (single) £5.00 (couple) Senior Citizens
£2.00 (each) Children (under 16 yrs) Free. Contacts: Diego
Pinto 020 - 8767 0663 Bernie Gracias 020 - 8723 1322 Cyril Rapose:
020 - 8874 8329
2 Dec. 2:30 - 8:00 pm. HARROW & EDGWARE GOANS. Feast of St.
Francis Xavier. St. Anthony's Church, Garrett Road, Edgware. Mass
followed by social at the church hall. Music by Dark Star. Licensed
Bar and Raffles. Tickets Adults £5 Children £3.50
( incl. meal). Derrick Pereira 020-8952 8899. e-mail daxpereira@aol.com.
2 Dec. 11.15 am. The Goan parishioners of St. Anselm's Parish
from TOOTING are celebrating the feast of St. Francis Xavier.
Holy Mass followed by a social in the Lower Hall of the Parish
Church. Tickets £4 inclusive of meal. Music by Chico. Contact
Claver or Fatima D'Mello 020 8672 4562; Tom Gomes 020 8767 1545
3 Dec. 19:45- SOUTH EAST GOANS. Feast of St. Francis Xavier. Mass
at 7.45pm at St. Stephens Church, Deepdene Road, Welling Kent.
Principal Celebrant: Rt. Rev. Bishop Charles Henderson. Food &
Refreshments will be served in the Church Hall following mass.
Any queries call 020 8301 5242 / email: southeastgoans.d-souza@virgin.net
8 Dec. G.O.A. Shopping Trip to France by coach. Cost per passenger:
Members £12.00 Non-Members £18.00 Contacts: Norma
Menezes-Rahim 020 - 8771 4457 Flavio Gracias 020 - 8723 1322 Collection
Points: Tooting Broadway LT Station & Norbury BR Station.
9th Dec. 3 pm Children's Mass. Asian Chaplaincy Hall, St. Augustine`s
Priory, 55 Fulham Road, Hammersmith W6. Contact Fr. Oliver Antao
020-8563 9102
9 Dec. NORTH LONDON GOANS. Feast of St Francis Xavier. White Hart
Lane School Hall, White Hart Lane, Wood Green, London N21. Mass
at 12.30 followed by Social. Music by 'Mustang'. Tickets are available
from: Johnny Fernandes 020-8881 4579. Seby D'Silva 020-8245 5463
Tony Gomes 020-8245 1364 Meridith Soares 020-8803 4173 Manu Fernandes
020-8809 1128 Constance Fernandes 020-888 8659.
Sun. 23 Dec. 1.00 - 6.00 p.m. G.O.A. Christmas Tree Party at Archbishop
Lanfranc School for children aged 2 years to 9 years. Members
: £3, others £5. Meet Father Christmas, Mother Christmas
& the Elves. Face painting, an Entertainer, games, dancing
and loads of fun, fun, fun. Contact Richard Fernandes 020 8300
5347; Juliette DeMenezes 020 8765 0258 jules4jas@yahoo.com
or Bernie Gracias 020 8723 1322 berniegracias@aol.com
6 Jan.12.30 - 8.00 GOAN COMMUNITY ASSOC., North London. Feast
of Epiphany. Keston Rd. N17. Mass followed by Social. Music by
Angelo, Licensed Bar and Raffles. Food available. Tickets Adult
Members £4/Children £1.50; Adult non members £5/children
2.50; Sen.Cit./unwaged members £2; Sen.Cit./unwaged non-members
£3. Last date 5/1. Contact Candy candyrose2000@hotmail.com
Edward 020-8889 9771. Proceeds towards new floor. Donations much