Additional GBP8: Mervyn Maciel | GBP10: Amelia Gomes; Ilda &
Jacinto Pereira; Norbert Sequeira.| GBP20: Justin Dourado; Navelim
Raymond Lobo: Summer Picnic Hyde Park: The grey skies did not
dampen the enthusiasm of those who made the effort to attend.
Parra Social: the Singles who attended resolved to meet up at
other events.
17 Sept. Frederick Noronha describes the relief of Goans escaping
major casualties within the Goan Community in the World Trade
Centre tragedy.
Text at http://www.oherald.com/Goanews/sept/17/mon4.htm
York Times 19 Sep. In San Francisco, Sean Fernandes, a 26-year
old Indian Catholic, said he was walking with a white Australian
friend early Saturday morning, when a man came up, called him
a "dirty Arab," and punched him and the friend. His friend was
stabbed in the ensuing brawl and remains hospitalized in critical
condition. "I've lived in this country for eight years, and felt
at home here, but this makes me re-evaluate," said Mr. Fernandes,
a software engineer. "I'm completely shocked. I've always thought
people here were very tolerant, but I guess tough times bring
out their true colors."
[The San Francisco Chronicle of 18 Sep. reported that Sean Fernandes
had emigrated to the US from Australia.]
Observer 19 Sep. Rabi Martins has expressed his concern that tax
money may have been wasted on a refurbished council community
centre which can rarely be used.
Birmingham Post 18 Sep There was widespread anger among doctors
over the suspension of Dr Alban Barros D'Sa who was suspended
in October 1999 after blowing the whistle on high mortality rates
of a surgeon. He was re-instated 21 months later with the NHS
footing a pounds 250,000 bill for his wages while he was barred
from working.
Designer, Warren Noronha, aged 25, has his London Fashion Week
show on Fri. 21 Sept.
For a profile, portrait and some of his creations, click
The Times Sep. 17. Warren Noronha is another New Generation
designer who has gone from off-schedule to on; he has a distinctive
technique…his eroticised manipulation of the human form…
Mirror 18 Sep. Newcomer Warren Noronha is also lined up to grab
the limelight in Kensington…
The Herald (UK); Sep 18…there are high hopes for other comparative
youngsters such as Warren Noronha…
Previous Press reports have romantically linked Warren Noronha
to Spice Girl Emma Bunton
Pedro Emerico Soares has been appointed as a judge of the Supreme
Court in Portugal. Gomantak Times. http://www.gomantaktimes.com/news5.htm#13
Looking For: Noel Dias of Birmingham. Contact eddie@fernandes.u-net.com
es Salaam), husband of late Philomena, father of Mary/Andrew,
Rocky/Rita, Joanita/Tony, Margaret/Salus, Benny/Freddie, Bella,
late Dr Alfred/Damaciana, Cajetan/Saila.
08702 42 09 09, has Gat/Goa rtn. 2w. Dep.20 Dec. GBP689. Also,
most Nov. flights 1w or 2w, Gatwick or Manchester for GBP299.
15 Sep. 14 nights' b & b in Goa, dep. Gatwick, Oct.13, costs
from GBP449 per person, based on two sharing, with Jewel in the
Crown Holidays 01293 533338.
15 Sep. Painting Holidays. Coombe Farm Studios (01803 722352,
www.rileyarts.com near
Dittisham in Devon offers a fortnight in Goa and Hampi about GBP1,850,
including flights.
mainly from Joel D'Souza in Goa, courtesy of GOACOM, e-mail: goanow@sancharnet.in
to end plastic menace. Sandesh Prabhudesai. http://www.goanews.com/11sep01.htm
population of Goa stood at 1,343,998 (Mar. 2001). It was 1,169.793
in 1991; 590,000 (1960) and 476,000 (1900). Highest sex ratio
is Aldona (115 females per 1000 males) and lowest in Bambolim
with 558 females per 1000 males.
Minister Manohar Parrikar said he was prepared to allow Goa airport
to be used by aircraft to combat terrorism by the United States
of America. Times of India. 18 Sep.
Laurence Buytaert's, the French national whose naked body was
found on a North Goa beach, had perceived a threat to her life
due to a property dispute.
meeting convened by Adv Aires Rodrigues to tackle the menace of
stray animals resolved to form an action group called PEST "People
for Elimination of Stray Troubles" headed by Dr Rosario Menezes.
than 30 per cent of the inbound tourists coming from the US, Canada,
Australia and Europe have already cancelled their hotel reservations
in the last one week …Two hotel owners from Goa reported that
30 per cent of US bookings were outright cancelled …Hindustan
Times. 19 Sep.
September issue of Goa Today is online at http://www.goacom.com/goatoday/
for the full text of items marked *) .
Sep. The Citizen (UK). Headline: Get on your way to golden Goa.
972 words. Excerpts…Goa's airport still has a vintage Portuguese
appearance. Standing half an hour for immigration rituals, visitors
begin to get the message that the pace of life is rather more
sedate than elsewhere…Stubby little bananas have a delicious sweet
flavour, far tastier than Britain's imported bananas…
Sep. Die Woche. German. Translation: An Indian kiosk owner in
Frankfurt-Hoechst raved: "Come to Goa. Look for yourself at our
children, so bright and clever and with imagination." The German
Indian compares the children, who buy from him with those that
he saw during holidays in his homeland …930 words
Sep. The Sunday Telegraph. By day, Sir Jack Leslie is an 84-year-old
pillar of respectability - by night, he is an habitue of cutting-edge
nightspots from London to Acapulco …he hopes to follow the club
scene even farther afield. He says, "Have you been to Goa in India?
I've heard it's rather good."
Sep. Travel Trade Gazette UK. What's New … Expansion in Goa: The
number of hotels in Goa has doubled, although prices to the destination
have been increased by eight per cent as a result of rising airline
fuel costs - against an average five per cent price rise in the
Sep. Western Morning News…in Goa the monsoon appears to be nearing
its end with sunny spells expected and temperatures in the mid-twenties…
Sep. The Statesman. Britain's latest fast food discovery is the
Indian Sausage Roll. The sausage in this case is made with ground
lamb and is fragrant with a heady mix of spices. It is wrapped
in a chapati and given added zest with a sweet, jaggery chutney…
Sep. Herald Express. Peter Mann of Paignton, Devon is currently
in Bangkok facing extradition to the UK where he is wanted in
connection with the murder of David Maher nine months ago… Mann
was known to have flown out of the UK to Goa before travelling
on to Thailand.
Sep. The Times of India. It's not fair, say fed-up residents of
Bandra (Bombay - re. the Bandra Feast).
Sep. The Times. Lazydays in Goa, 01643 862159, www.lazydays.co.uk
offers Villa Sol e Mar at Cavelossim with four air-conditioned
bedrooms, TV and music systems, conservatory and lawns down to
the river, and costs £800 a week to rent, which includes
maid service but not air fares. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,71-2001320223,00.html
Sep. The Sunday Mirror. Headline: Goan see the change. By Annabel
Kerman. Excerpt: Goa has come a long way in 10 years. It is no
longer the scene for hippies sleeping on the beach. The trendy
Indian region has now become a prime destination for holidaymakers
enjoying sun and beach packages …537 words
Sep. Sunday People. Stephen Beckett who plays Coronation Street's
dirty doc Matt Ramsden visited Goa. "I almost lost my life while
swimming in the Indian Ocean. I was only 20 metres out when I
hit a rip-tide. Luckily, there were lifeguards and they pulled
me safely to shore. More than 20 travellers a year drown on that
beach. In Goa, our accommodation was a cabin built into the hills
on the unspoilt north shore. The toilet was the rain forest and
we lived on next to nothing. It wasn't quite Survivor, but it's
amazing how you adjust to surroundings and how little you need
to enjoy life."
U.K. Carrom Federation is to host the 1st Carrom World Cup. Venue:
Challney Girls School, Luton from 19 - 24 Oct. 2001. For more
information Please contact President Krishan Sharma on Krishan.k.sharma@btinternet.com
Tel 01582584702 or Assumption Gomes on 020-8641 5995 assumharvey@Yahoo.co.uk
Sep. 5.00pm. TIATR. The Goan Cultural Society UK proudly presents
a hilarious three act comedy " MINI-SKIRT CAZAR written and directed
by Minguel at St Monica's Hall, Green Lanes, Palmers Green, London
N13. For information contact: Bella 020 8352 0373, Rosy - 020
8352 9450 or Minguel - 01162210595
Sep. Bow-Tie Function (Ballroom Dancing) organised by the Young
Ones. Church Hall of Our Lady & St Philip Neri, Sydenham.
Sep. Mapuca Association Feast
Oct. 6.00pm Leicester. TIATR, - The Goan Cultural Society UK proudly
presents a hilarious three act comedy " MINI-SKIRT CAZAR written
and directed by Minguel at YMCA Theatre, 7 East Street, Leicester.
For information contact: Bella 020 8352 0373, Rosy 020 8352 9450
or Minguel 011622 10595. www.goanculturalsociety.com
Oct. Senior Citizens Lunch. ATC Hall, South Wimbledon. Contact:
Nina Pinto 020 - 8767 0663 or Bernie Gracias 020 - 8723 1322
Oct. Majorda Union celebrates the feast of Boa Morte. White Hart
Lane School, Wood-Green. Music by 'Say One Do One'. Tickets are
available for £7 on the door or from Eulogio 020 8888 9109
or Cajie 020 8888 5093'
Oct. 1.00- 7.30pm. Uganda Reunion. Wandsworth Town Hall, London
SW18. Band: Maz & Co. Ticket Prices: Adults - £11.00;
Children under 12 - £4.00 (all tickets include a meal and
snacks). ALL WELCOME! Contact Christine De Souza 020 8310 2332
for tickets. |