BBC reporter Mandy de Souza and Joe, her father,
went back to Uganda 30 years after the exodus to Britain. Photographs
and the account of her visit is at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/coventry/features/stories/2002/08/ugandan-asian-anniversary-feature.shtml
Excerpts: My Mum and two eldest sisters speak of Uganda as if
it were a paradise. Yet none of them ever wanted o go back, which
I found odd
Kampala was friendly and laid back and we both
agreed it felt far safer than any English cities we'd been to
I'm proud to be Goan, and proud to have been born in Uganda. But
going back to Kampala proved just how English I feel. My home
is here in the UK
From Dr Max Couthino: The International Goan
Health Project is a voluntary based project to help and supplement
health care services in Goa. We intend to assist health care services
and educate the people on health issues in Goa, in co-operation
with local skills, to provide free medical/health services. We
are looking for doctors, nurses, physiotherapists or anyone in
the medical field, willing to provide their services for few hours
during their holiday trip to Goa. For further details you could
either visit our website at www.goasudharop.org or send me an
e-mail at mdrcoutinh@aol.com
From Gregg Carvalho: The Margao Union UK is re-grouping
to celebrate the Feast of the Holy Spirit in 2003. A meeting will
be arranged shortly. If you or you spouse is from Margao please
contact me as soon as possible: Gregg - Tel off: 020 7753 2086,
Hse: 020 8907 0454, email gregg.carvalho@gb.abb.com
mobile : 07740 638633.
Fresh from a fact-finding mission to battle-scarred
Kashmir, councillor Rabi Martins has told of his cautious feelings
of optimism for the region. Watford Observer 11 Oct. at http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/headlines/display.var.634235.Headlines.0.html
Internet ad executive Roy de Souza still lives
life at the frenetic pace and spends much of his life zipping
between company offices in London, San Francisco and Mumbai. As
the founder and chief executive of Zedo.com, a company whose servers
send web adverts to your browser, de Souza is one of the people
responsible for the seemingly endless barrage of pop-under ads
that appear beneath the window you're viewing, and then lurk eternally
between you and the web page you wish to view. 1301 word feature
in The Independent 7 Oct. http://news.independent.co.uk/digital/features/story.jsp?story=340303
Roy de Souza, rdesouza@ZEDO.com
received his Masters in Engineering and Economics from St. Anne's
College, Oxford University. Profile at http://www.zedo.com/zedo/company/management.jsp
Keith Vaz has confirmed his participation at
the Diaspora Day celebrations in New Delhi, 9-11 Jan. 2003. Economic
Times: Oct. 5.
Asian Leicester by Dr John Martin
and Professor Gurharpal Singh (Sutton Publishing, £9.99)
is a new book which has just been published. Excerpt: "The
arrival of the Ugandan Asians marked a fundamental change in the
character of this city." It chronicles in many photographs
the contribution of Asians to Leicester since 1945. For text,
For Goan Community News from Portugal and in
Portuguese, go to http://www.supergoa.com/
Xmas gift shopping: Christies London auction
on 18 Oct. has A Goanese ivory model of a young Christ,
19th Century. The nude figure standing with one hand raised towards
his face, the hair in gilt and the lips in red pigment. 10.7cm.
high. Est. sale price £400-£600. Details and
photograph at: http://www.christies.com/LotFinder/search/LOTDETAIL.ASP?sid=&intObjectID=399

27 Sept. New Orleans (USA). The Rev. C. URBANO GRACIAS,
retired pastor of St. Maurice Catholic Church, died Sept. 27 at
Chalmette Medical Center. He was 77. Pastor Gracias was born in
Goa and lived in New Orleans for many year and in Arabi for the
past four years. He was ordained a priest in Goa on May 11, 1952.
He served the Archdiocese of Goa from 1952 to 1959. His ministry
was in Mozambique and Kenya from 1959 to 1970. He came to New
Orleans in September 1970 and was incardinated for the Archdiocese
of New Orleans in September 1974. He served as an associate at
St. Frances Cabrini, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Rose of Lima and
Mater Dolorosa churches, and was co- pastor and then pastor of
St. Maurice Church in New Orleans. Survivors include two brothers,
Thomas and the Rev. John Gracias, and a sister, Sister Lira Gracias.
A Mass will be said Friday at 2 p.m. at St. Louis de Marillac
Catholic Church, 6800 Patricia St., Arabi. Visitation will be
at 10 a.m. Burial will be in St. Louis Cemetery No. 3. From The
Times-Picayune (USA). 10 Oct. 2002
1 Oct: Florida-USA. JULIUS VAZ, brother of Deluna,
Belina/Alan Noronha (Florida), Ivan (Gainsville-USA), Fila/Anup
(Fort-Lauderdale-Florida), Joel/Eudecia, late Oscar, Jennifer/Cyril
da Silva (London), Maurice/Alinda (Davie-Florida), Elvis/Daisy
(Penibroke Pines-Florida).
2 Oct: London/Carona-Aldona: REMIGIO DIOGO JOSE CARVALHO,
85, (ex- E.A.P.L., Nairobi). Husband of Juliana Maria. Father
of Bazilia/Francis (Canada), Theresa/Gilbert (London), Jude/Elaine
(London), grandfather of Rebecca, Cheryl, Carl, Cheryl, Benjamin,
Georgina (All London). Funeral on 10th Oct. at 13:00 at St. Francis
DeSales Catholic Church, Tottenham High Road, London N17 thereafter
burial at Tottenham Cemetery. ("Richie&Carmen" richie.carmen@blueyonder.co.uk
2 Oct. London, Ealing W.7. MARIA ETTA D'SOUZA.
Wife of Clem. (ex- D.C.s Office, Kenya.). Mum of Gregory,
Marshall, Eustace, Grace & Tony. Grandmother of Christopher,
Laura, Richard, Darren, Tracy, Tessa, Lance, Genny and Michelle.
Funeral: Sacred Heart Church, London Road, Bushey, Herts.10.30a.m.
on Mon. 14 Oct. Condolences to gpr_dsouza@hotmail.com
3 Oct. Toronto. ELLA PEREIRA ( Dar-es-Salaam).
Wife of the late Eustace Pereira. Mother of Christopher (late)/
Elaine, Dorothy/Maurice, Patricia/Joseph, Jennifer/Terrance. [She
was visiting family in Toronto]
6 Oct. Divar, Goa. FRANCIS JOSEPH NUNES. Son
of Joaquim Nunes and late Angelica Nunes. Brother of Fatima /
Joseph DSouza (Mapusa), Maria / Cipriano Pinto (England),
Anthony / Lumen (Margao) and Stanley / Gladys.
6 Oct. Adelaide. JOE GOMES (aged 96, ex-Mombasa).
Husband of Nancy. Father of Nolette (Sweetie) and Anthony De Souza
Aster and Nina Gomes. Grandfather of Neil and Annalynn De Souza,
Antonia and Ian Swift and Allen and Alaric Gomes. Info from Maureen

Sample issue or photocopy of the front page of the Goan Voice
(Nairobi) wanted by Eddie Fernandes eddie@fernandes.u-net.com
From Vinu Patel: I am looking for following people from Kisumu:
Maxie and Cajetan Rodrigues, Michael Rebello and Cajetan Fernandes.
Also a message to any person from Kisumu: Would have loved to
see you at the recent Kisumu Reunion, 22 Sept. 2002 in London.
Please keep in touch for the next reunion on www.kisumu.co.uk.
Email: vinu.patel@btclcik.com

Win a fabulous holiday for 2 in Kenya. Free entry. http://www.divegirl.com/win.html

The September issue of GoaNOW is online at www.goacom.com/goanow/
The Panaji Municipal Council will be implementing taxes on pet
dogs next month. Owners of sterilized dogs will have to pay only
Rs.100 for lifetime tax, whereas owners of un-sterilised dogs
will have to pay Rs.1000 for the same.
The negative image of India affects flow of tourists says a Germany-based
tour operator, Mr Nandu Malhotra. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/articleshow?artid=24308149
360 chartered flights are to land in Goa this season with the
first chartered flight from the UK arriving on Oct. 13.

3 Oct. Irish News.
many great holiday destinations which
initially became popular for their remoteness - Goa, the English
Lake District and many parts of the west of Ireland, for example
- have now lost their isolated charm and succumbed to the generic
tourist model: silly theme bars, golf courses and kitsch music
3 Oct. Nottingham Evening Post. Annette Marshall, 35, moved to
Candolim, Goa, 3 years ago. She was a passenger on a friend's
motorbike when it skidded on sand in Goa. She suffered head injuries
and died. Her mother said, "She loved it out there so much,
and had so many friends. Recently Mrs Marshall had started
working as a journalist for a newspaper in Delhi.
4 Oct. Newquest. Warminster. Kevin Youdan was due to marry Sandra
Shaw on Oct. 17. They were planning to live in Goa and Mr Youdan
flew there three weeks ago to set up home. However, he drowned
in the sea on 19 Sept. His parents said that he loved everything
about the country. He said the people were so friendly.
7 Oct. Coventry Evening Telegraph. Making a Goa of our own business!
In 1992 Sue Watkins and Linda Guthrie went to Goa on a holiday
and fell in love with the place. They now have a business in Goa
renting out villas and now manage about 30. Sue is permanently
resident in a local village, with her Goan partner and their three
dogs. She says, "There are some things here that make life
very easy and other things that you expect to happen, don't. There
are lots of frustrations, but lots of rewards, and the balance
is definitely on the positive side." 1328 word article. More
info at: www.lazydays.co.uk Full text at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/goa-net/message/24474
7 Oct. Business Standard. Emirates Airlines wants to promote
Kerala and Goa as tourist destinations in Europe and the Gulf.
7 Oct. Financial Times (London). 1025 word profile on Tony Fernandes
the 38-year-old British-educated former accountant who is Chief
Executive of AirAsia, the Malayasian airline.
7 Oct. Gulf News. Lusitanians hockey club will be organising
a nine-a-side men's hockey tournament for the first time on October
11 and 18. 363 words.
7 Oct. O'Reilly Network (San Francisco). The Computer Professionals
for Social Responsibility Conference brings people and Internet
Across the subcontinent on the West coast of India,
Daryl Martyris of World Computer Exchange distributes free computers
running GNU/Linux to schools throughout the state of Goa. Hardware
costs (as well as software costs, of course) are cut to the minimum
by hooking minimal clients up to a central service running Linux
Terminal Server Project (LTSP) software. After-hours use by paying
adults is popular. Of course, fixing broken systems is a problem,
but a small coterie of students has been trained to fill WCE's
needs. http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/2118
8 Oct. Courier Mail (Australia)
look for Bobby D'Souza's
Goan Cuisine products from Western Australia. They are five-star
8 Oct. The Telegraph. Goa. Temperature 89F. Flying time 11 hours.
India's main monsoon season is between June and September. Goa
should be virtually rain-free by November and the temperature
perfect. North Goa tends to be more lively and appeal to a younger
crowd, south Goa is quieter with more luxurious resort hotels.
Click here....
8 Oct. Leicester Mercury. Where The Cash Went.
on the Lord Mayor's hospitality, including hosting Goan cricketers
9 Oct. Canadian Newswire. The Aga Khan to build museum for Islamic
art: Cultural centre will be built in Don Mills (Toronto). The
Centre is being designed by Charles Correa, an award-winning architect
Text at: http://www.newswire.ca/releases/October2002/08/c9408.html
9 Oct. Leicester Mercury. A £750,000 sports centre aimed
at encouraging more Asian footballers to take up the game is planned
for Leicester. Click

Sun 13 Oct. 2 pm. Fr Agnelos Novena Mass. St Andrews Church,
Thornton Heath. Thereafter at the Parish Hall. Please bring a
plate of finger food.
Sun. 20th Oct. 12.30pm COLVA FEAST. Starting with Mass. Music
by Moon Light Serenaders. A.T.C HALL, 192 Merton Road, Wimbledon.
£10 for Adults. Contact: Bento Fernandes 0208 672 0283
Sat 26 Oct. 7-11pm. Teenagers Halloween Party at Goan Community
Centre, Keston Rd. N17. Following the success of the last teenagers
Disco which brought them closer together, hence, "A wonderful
Summer with the Goans. £2 inc. snacks a drink. Music
by DJDEX/sound system 'Say One Do One'. Tel. Dexter 07929 781
653 020 8376 1068.
Sun 27 Oct. Tiatre. Youth of Goa (UK) presents ASSRO (Shelter).
Written and Directed by Lawrence Mascarenhas. Willesden Hign School
Hall, Doyle Gardens, London NW10 3ST Call Lawrence 07939600383;
Rosy 020 8352 9450 or Larryboy 020 8578 3336
Sun. 3 Nov. Nuvem Feast at Archbishop Lanfranc School. Music
by Breakthru. £7 for Adults. Contacts: Greg Carvalho 01245
- 261302 Florian Carvalho 020 - 8452 8362. |