21 May. Times Educational
Supplement (UK). Headline: Partners Show Path To Hands-on
Science. Excerpts: If you want to change practice in teaching
and learning, you have to take ownership, says Susan
Rodrigues, director of the Institute for Science
in Education in Scotland … The response from parents
has been particularly satisfying, says Dr Rodrigues. Teachers
are being asked for advice about conducting experiments
at home with enthusiastic children…For details on
the next PIPS project, contact susan.rodrigues@ed.ac.uk
Dr Susan Rodrigues is eminently
qualified in Science Education. She was born in Kampala,
the daughter of Blanche & Ferdie and has traversed the
globe. She has embarked on a fascinating personal project
collecting accounts from Goans about episodes in their lives.
For the supplement that has been created to provide brief
details of her fascinating career, click
here. |
And another Susan
Rodrigues, [ susanrodrigues@yahoo.co.uk]
FCCA, author of Be Encouraged lives in Nairobi
and works as the Financial Controller of Safaricom. She
wrote the book to help people realise their potential for
a successful and productive life. The book is available
as an electronic file for $4.95 or as a CD for $6.95. Details
Susan went to Goan School
Nairobi (primary) and then to Pangani Girls School. She
is married to Derrick Rodrigues, the son of John Rodrigues
of Car & General, Nairobi and has three children. See:
http://www.londoncircle.com/rodriguess.html |
28 May. Times Journal (St.
Thomas, Ontario). The Friends of St. Thomas Public Library
meet on Tuesday, June 1 at 7 p.m. for the awards ceremony
for the third annual Creative Writing Contest, [One of the
three] Judges for the contest is:
Poetry: Ben
Antao of Toronto graduated from the University of
Bombay with a master's degree in English, and worked as
a reporter for many years. In 1966 he won a journalism award
given by the World Press Institute. Antao has interviewed
many VIPs, including various U.S. presidents. He came to
Canada in 1967 and worked for the Catholic Register and
the Globe and Mail. In 1976 he obtained his teaching certificate
from the University of Toronto. His book Images of Goa was
published in 1990. [For a profile of Ben Antao and a selection
of his writings, see http://www.colaco.net/1/ben.htm] |
28 May. East African Standard. Shareholders supported
the management of the Standard Newspaper Group in its efforts
to transform the company into a leading and modern media company.
Mr Ian Fernandes, managing director
of KTN, told shareholders that the group had been granted additional
frequencies. During the meeting Fernandes was re-elected to the
Board of Directors. http://www.eastandard.net/headlines/news28050403.htm
28 May. Newcastle Herald (Australia). Indian-born
Dentist and general practitioner Eardley
Rozario who has lived in Australia since he was two plans
to move soon to Gresford. This has been a godsend for the town
and its surrounds as there is no doctor in the area. 224 words.
28 May. The Guardian. Multiculturalism's legacy
is 'have a nice day' racism. By Trevor Phillips (Chairman of the
Commission for Racial Equality). The mere celebration of diversity
does nothing to redress inequality. Keith
Vaz, a good friend to the CRE, declared last week that
multiculturalism was alive and well in Leicester. He and his fellow
MPs can dance the night away at "Asian events" in Nehru
jacket and sari. I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but this
city's council faces legal sanction for its decidedly not multicultural
distribution of grants.
29 May. The Globe and Mail
(Canada). Headline: CEO's killer past comes back to haunt
him. Excerpt: Cesar Correia
of Toronto's Infolink bulk-messaging company beat his abusive
father to death in 1984. He served a brief sentence and
then was pardoned. Now, as PAUL WALDIE reports, a former
business partner is demanding he disclose his past to investors.
Is what he did 20 years ago relevant to his business today?
1 June. The Guardian. European Parliamentary
Election. 'Someone wants to meet me?" A potential voter has
recognised Claude Moraes from the
other side of the street, and Mr Moraes, out canvassing, [in Kilburn]
cannot disguise his incredulity.
For a profile and photo of Claude Moraes check http://www.claudemoraes.net/
2 Jun. Herald (Goa). By Eugene Correia. The Goan
Overseas Association (Toronto) posted another record profit for
2003. Presenting its annual report at the recently held annual
general meeting, the Goan Overseas Association (Toronto) showed
consolidated earned revenue of $66,294. The bulk of the profit
came from hosting the Viva Goa show, an annual cultural event
that drew in more than 4,000 people at Downsview Hangar last year.
[The 2004 Viva Goa extravaganza is on July 24th and there are
many events leading up to it such as a visit to Wonderland, Goa
Golf Day, Bingo Night etc. All welcome. Details at http://www.goatoronto.com/events.htm
2 June. The Star (South
Africa). Headline: 'Racist' SAA official wrecks family vacation.
Excerpts: The holiday of Atanasio
(Babush) Monserrate and his family has turned into
a nightmare, after a South African Airways official allegedly
accused them of buying their passports. Monserrate, Goa’s
Minister of Town and Country Planning alleges they were
rudely refused access to a flight to Kenya on Sunday. His
wife Jennifer said that they had been forced to cancel a
planned trip to the Masai Mara, a wildlife sanctuary in
Kenya, and were on their way instead to Dubai. For full
text, 697 words, click
here |
3 June. The Guardian. Dom
Moraes, author and poet who became one of India's leading
literary figures, publishing nearly 30 books, died Wednesday
after a heart attack, news reports said. He was 66. Moraes
began writing poems at age 12. His first book of poems,
``A Beginning,'' was published by London's Parton Press
when he was 19. It won the Hawthornden Prize for the best
work of the imagination in 1958; Moraes was the first non-English
person to win the prize. For eight years, Dom Moraes lived
in London. [Dom Moraes is survived by his only son who lives
in London]. http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4160826,00.html
The current Goan Cybermatrimonials listing is
at http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2004-May/026410.html
To enter, send the details, (max 100 words), describing yourself
and the type of person you are looking for to Fred Noronha, fred@bytesforall.org
There's no charge to be listed in the Cybermatrimonials, a service
from Goanet.org
31 May. Nairobi, Kenya. Sister MARYJOAN
nee ISABEL GOMES of Precious Blood, Nairobi (Ex Tanga
- Tanzania). Daughter of the late Luizen Gomes. Sister of Marie/Steve
Miranda (Calangute Goa). Philu/Tom Fernandes (Ex Nairobi Kenya).
Cousin to Nap (Arusha), Eddie (UK), Luis Gomes & Diana Sajoo
(Canada). Funeral service at St Austins Church Nairobi 4th June
at 1400.
(Ex-Zanzibar). Husband of Rosemarie. Father of Gavin and Gary.
Son of Santana/Anatilda. Brother of Gregory/Helen, Sabina/Edwin,
Steven/Yeadmin, Lolly/Coral, Ramona/Sunil and Roselyn/Patrick.
(born 1930, Velim, Goa). Husband of Elvira. Father of Pierre/Bryony
and Paul. Funeral at 12.30 pm, Fri 4th Jun., St Andrew's Close
(off Welley Rd) Wraysbury Middlesex TW19 5DE. Condolences to caeiro@ctccircle.co.uk
Ixtt, the Konkani publication established in
1933 now has a weekly newsletter available online to subscribers.
Check out a sample issue at http://www.v-ixtt.com/
May 2004. Construction World. The Goa government
will invite global tenders to construct a cruise liner terminal
at Mormugao. The terminal will have back-up facilities such as
customs clearance, immigration, restaurants and utility services.
The government expects the terminal to bring in about 2,00,000
tourists to Goa every year by sea.
27 May. Navhind Times. A piece of the mantle
worn by Blessed Joseph Vaz, during his life time will be installed
in the sanctuary at Sancoale at the concelebrated mass at 9 am
on May 30. http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=052740
28 May. Times of India. Headline: Goa fast becoming
a hub of child prostitution. Excerpt: Once a hot tourist spot,
Goa is now witnessing an alarming rise in sexual abuse of children
in the 10-16 age group. According to social scientists, more than
10,000 paedophiles visit the coastal state every year and molest
children. http://www1.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/704491.cms
28 May. Navhind Times. Foreigners run drug trafficking
in North Goa. Is Goa, which became a hunting ground for drug smugglers
with the arrival of the hippies, becoming a hotter favourite of
theirs? http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=052788
30 May. Times of India. Tired of government websites
which do not function and display outdated information, Goa government
has now authorised the IT department to oversee the working of
the sites. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-708845,curpg-1.cms
30 May. Indian Express. Headline: To Feed the
Frantic Construction Boom, Politicians, Mafia and Police Conspire
to wreck the Konkan Coast. Excerpts: Newsline travels the Goa
highway, watching 2,000 trucks dredging sand—60,000 tonnes
every day… Sumaira Abdulali, an activist from the environmental
group was beaten on Monday night. The incident is not even the
tip of the iceberg. 518 words. http://cities.expressindia.com/fullstory.php?newsid=86074
30 May. Indian Express. Headline: Crooks in the creek. Over-laden
trucks, corrupt cops and excess dredging make for an unholy mix
at this creek off Mumbai-Goa highway. 692 words http://cities.expressindia.com/fullstory.php?newsid=86078
26 May. Indian Express. Environmentalist assaulted at Kihim.
31 May. Indian Express. Craters in the sand. Activists protecting
Kihim Beach from the sand mafia pay heavy price. http://cities.expressindia.com/fullstory.php?newsid=86213
31 May. Navhind Times. Saudi hostage drama ends,
2 Goans among 22 persons killed. http://www.navhindtimes.com/stories.php?part=news&Story_ID=053150
1 June. Arab Times (Kuwait). Excerpt: Filipino survivor Camilo
Tinacio described one of the victims, John Fernandes, a Goan,
as his best friend and as jovial and outgoing. He added, "I
am devastated at his death. He was a very industrious and efficient
worker. Everyone admired John for his sense of humour.”
For full text click
1 June. Asian Age. Goa film festival runs into
controversy. By Pamela D’Mello. For full text click
2 Jun. Navhind Times. Monsoon will reach state
within 72 hrs.
Goa: A New Board Game. Description: Goa at the
beginning of the 16th century: beautiful beaches, wonderful climate,
and one of the most important trading cities in the world. Competing
companies trade with spices and send their colonists into the
world and invest their money. Of most importance is how you manage
your spices to grow a successful company. Should you build more
effective ships? Build more effective plantations? Attract more
colonists? The best strategy is the one that creates the most
successful business. Goa: wealth and glory, but not without risk!
Details at
27 May. The Mirror. Health Q & A. Excerpts:
Q: I'M going to Goa soon and want to avoid food
A: DR Sarah Brewer replies: "Upset stomachs
are the commonest health problem to strike travellers abroad.
India is most risky. Use water from sealed bottles - carbonated
is safer than still water as it's less likely to have been filled
from the tap. "Avoid ice cubes, ice cream, salads and raw
veg which may have been washed in contaminated water. Only eat
fruit that can be peeled. Avoid food exposed to the sun or to
flies - especially snacks from roadside vendors. Wash hands before
eating. To boost your immunity against gut infections, take a
probiotic supplement such as Yakult for a few weeks before you
go. Probiotic bacteria protect against food poisoning infections
such as salmonella."
29 May. The Mirror. Goa: Choose from the resorts
of Candolim, Calangute and Baga, with the added option of taking
an overnight trip to Palolem beach. A seven-night holiday in Goa
this winter starts from £409 per person, with flights from
Manchester. Direct Holidays: 0870 242 2404 www.directholidays.co.uk
29 May. World Socialist. Around 1,000 contract
workers at the Public Works Department of Panaji, in the west
coast state of Goa, launched a protest in front of the Labour
Commissioner’s office on May 19, to protest against break-in-service
clauses in their employment agreement. Break-in-service provisions
are used to prevent contract workers becoming permanent workers.
Workers also protested against the low wages they receive, compared
to permanent staff. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2004/may2004/lab-m29.shtml
30 May. Daily Star (UK). When the sun shines,
there's nothing more refreshing than a cool beer. In fact, when
the sun doesn't shine there's nothing more refreshing than a cool
If you're a fan of the hop, try Ambari - a 5% abv beer which is
bottled and shipped from Goa, India. It's less gassy with a smooth,
clean taste and is perfect with your favourite curry dish. It's
available in Indian restaurants throughout the UK and in off-licences,
priced at £25.99 for a case of 330ml bottles. For a full
stockists list call 020 8561 5865.
One lucky [Daily Star] reader can win a full minifridge of beer,
containing two cases of Ambari premium Indian lager. To be in
with a chance of winning, just tell us where Ambari comes from.
[For the Good Beer Guide to Goa go to http://www.newarkcamra.org.uk/bgp/monster/goa.htm]
30 May. The Sunday Times (UK). Ask the Experts:
The overseas adviser. [Full text 374 words at: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/]
31 May. Food Ingredients First (Holland). Allied
Domecq Spirits and Wine in its endeavour to develop its brands
all over India, has decided to undertake extensive awareness programmes
in Goa with India emerging as a focus market for Teachers Scotch
whisky. Allied Domecq is now progressing in the second phase in
which they are conducting sessions for connoisseurs of Scotch.
31 May. Straits Times (Singapore). Roughly a
quarter to a third of Eurasians in Singapore carry Portuguese
surnames. In a new age of globalisation, we are rediscovering
our links to Malacca, Macau, Goa, Brazil and Portugal. It is good
if these links bring us economic benefits. But that should neither
be the only nor the principal reason for celebrating these links.
We celebrate them because they make us feel better about who we
are. 424 words.
3 Jun. Jamaica Gleaner. Mystic Mood of India.
In the South, areas such as Goa, there is a mix of cultural influences,
including Portuguese. It's in this region that Pork Vindaloo has
made its name. A chili hot, spicy and pungent dish, it's a favourite
of Christians. Hindus, in this region, however, go for meats like
lamb and chicken. There is also an abundance of seafood in this
region, with prawns, lobsters and crabs a staple of the menu.
Very important in Goa cuisine is the 'kokum' a sour, deep
red fruit that gives coconut milk a sharp and sour flavour. Sarpotel
(sic) is another specialty. This is a mouth-watering curry of
boneless pork, liver, heart, kidneys, red chillies, cinnamon and
cloves bathed in tangy toddy vinegar (needed to balance the strong
taste of the pig's blood that is also an ingredient). See: http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20040603/cook/cook1.html
See http://www.lanfranc.com/publications/location/directions.htm
for help in locating Archbishop Lanfranc School, Croydon
Sat. 5 June. 1.00pm. Bastora
Union London AGM at St. Boniface Church Club, 185 Mitcham
Road, Tooting. Contact: Peter DeSouza - tel: 0208 672 3232 or
e-mail Dolores Taylor,
Sun 6 Jun. 2pm - The Asian
Chaplaincy Feast of Our Patron Saints at Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Edge Hill, Wimbledon SW19 4LU followed by multicultural
Sun. 13 Jun Siolim Union
(London) will be celebrating the Feast of their Patron Saint,
St. Anthony at Archbishop Lanfranc School, Mitcham. Mass at 12:00
noon followed by dancing, to the music of Maz & Co. Tickets
£12.00 including snacks and meal. Children under 12 free
admission. Contact: Loretta Fernandes 020-8696-9886; Eugene Fernandes
020-8240-0818; Tony Fernandes 020-8540-3566; Edwin Athayde 020-8679-5514.
Sun. 27 Jun. G.O.A. FAMILY
DAY and Youth Football Tournament at Archbishop Lanfranc
Sun. 27 Jun. Benaulim Feast.
Haringey Irish Centre, Pretoria Road, London N17 (Nearest train
station White Hart Lane) Mass at 12.30 pm followed by a Social.
Music by Maz & Co. Tickets Members £7; Guests £8;
Children 10-16 £2; under 10 free. Tickets and further details
Josephine 0208 967 7471; Mary 0208 803 9752; Santan 0208 952 9365.
Sun 27 Jun. 4pm - The Asian Chaplaincy. Konkani
Mass. Our Lady & St Christopher's Catholic Church,
32 High Street, Cranford, Middlesex.
Sat. 3 July. YLGS. Friends
& Family Summer Ball.
Sun. 11 July. Norman Godinho
School Reunion & celebration of Teacher
Alice’s 85th birthday. 1.00pm-8.30pm. Archbishop
LanFranc School, Croydon. Tickets (inc. meal) £12 adults;
£6 children (2–12 years). Tony Lobo 020 8542 0528,
Reg Da Cunha 020 7732 2659, regdacunha@aol.com
Ms Theo Pinto 020 8302 5385, Edmund Dias edias@onetel.com
Sun. 11 July. G.O.A OPEN
2004 - London Golf Tournament at Downshire Golf Complex, Easthampstead
Park, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 3DH. Contact: Jacinto D'Silva
020 - 8723 1233, Menino Mascarenhas 01784 211832, Orlando Braganza
01932 269476.
Sun. 11 Jul. Tivim Carnival.
Bishop Thomas Grant School Belltrees Grove Streatham. Mass 12.30
P.M. Maz & Co and Fantasy Disco. Dress Code Fancy Dress. Details
from Norma Menezes-Rahim 0208 771 4457; Marina Viegas 0208 656
4217; Valerie D'lima 07748 914743; Elu Pires 0208 654 1281; Ronald
Fernandes 0208 303 3386.
Sun. 11 Jul. Aldona Association.
Feast of St. Thomas at the White Hart Lane School Hall, White
Hart Lane, Wood Green, London N22. Mass at 12 noon followed by
get together. Music by Say One do One and live band. Tickets -
Members £7; Guest £8; Children 5-12 years £5;
under 5 years free. Contact Nigel Moniz 020 8441 9075; Lana Moniz
020 8931 2323; Jude Carvalho 020 8360 4102
Sun 18 Jul. 4pm - The Asian Chaplaincy. Konkani
Mass. Our Lady & St Christopher's Catholic Church,
32 High Street, Cranford, Middlesex.
Sun. 25 July G.O.A. GOAN
FESTIVAL in conjunction with Goan Organisations at Archbishop
Lanfranc School, Mitcham Road, Croydon. Starts with Holy Mass
at 12.15 pm. Diego Pinto 020 - 8767 0663 Alfred Rebello 020 -
8337 8022. For stall applications: Bernie Gracias 020 - 8723 1322
FOR LATER EVENTS SEE http://www.goanvoice.org.uk