School Mombasa to mark 75th Anniversary
29 Jun: Coastweek. On Aug 14 2007, the Sacred
Heart School Mombasa (formerly the Goan School
Mombasa) will mark its 75th anniversary since
its foundation in 1932 … A sub-committee
comprising Ivan Fernandes, Ignatius Pereira, Franklyn
Pereira, Theo Souza, Michaela Nicholls, Angelo
Pereira, Andrew Abreu, Raymond Braganza, Hervinder
Singh (Papu), Major General Samson Mwathethe and
Mike Fernandes has been formed to lead and co-ordinate
this event. They can all be contacted at goanschoolplatinum@swiftmombasa.com
or call Evelyn Pereira on tel No. 00 254 20 208
0678 (Mombasa). … A Souvenir brochure is
being compiled and you are welcome to submit articles,
pictures that will be considered by our editorial
team for publication. An editorial team headed
by Nuala Alibhai, Rev. Fr. Correia and Bernadette
D'Souza are looking to interview former students
and teachers, so that they prepare articles for
the souvenir brochure. For the programme and full
details check the link below. Full text, 679 words,
here. |
Goan School Calendar: An Appeal
Eddie Fernandes: The organising Committee of the
75th anniversary celebrations wishes to locate
a copy of the School Calendar. I have a copy of
the 1962 edition but if you have or know of a
later edition, please get in touch with me urgently
– eddie@fernandes.u-net.com
For those who may have forgotten, the Calendar
contains the School Hymns (Come Holy Ghost, Act
of Contrition, Immaculate Mary etc.), School rules
and regulations, recommended books, list of successful
pupils at the Cambridge examinations 1940- , etc.
UK: Swindon Borough Council: Community Grants 2007/08
Ineligible Applications: Goan Swindon Association. Applied
for: £10,000 Purpose: Representative forum for Goan
community in Swindon (4000+ members). Youth and cultural activities.
Reason Unsuccessful: Annual Accounts 2005-07 indicate high
level of unrestricted balances held at end of financial year
(15 months running costs). SBC Policy on the Treatment of
Reserves allows equivalent of 4-6 months running costs to
be held. Click
The Goan Swindon Assoc was awarded £5930 2006-7 and
£1867 in 2005-6. Click
UK: Katee Dias, employment solicitor,
Goodman Derrick
7 Jun: Caterer & Hotelkeeper (UK). Employing children.
Katee Dias, employment solicitor at Goodman Derrick, describes
the strict rules governing ages, hours and job suitability
when taking on young people. 656 words.
28 Jun: Caterer & Hotelkeeper. Vicarious liability. To
what extent are employers liable for acts of discrimination
or harassment by third parties against their staff Solicitor
Katee Dias has the answers.
For a photo and profile of Katee Dias click
UK: Cornwall: Truro: Mr Reg D’Souza
27 Jun: Cornish Guardian. Women’s Institutes: St Stephen-in-Brannel.
Excerpts: … The eminent Mr D'Souza our guest speaker
was then introduced. Mr D'Souza runs a private practice in
Truro dealing with acupuncture and physiotherapy and he also
runs a pain relief clinic … He also took part in a study
which appeared on TV approximately three years ago where 40%
of patients showed a positive reaction to acupuncture. He
showed us slides and gave us some wonderfully humorous accounts
of how he has helped some of his patients. For full text click
The Reg D’Souza website is at
Joan Pires:
London-based choreographer

28 Jun: PTI. A three-month long festival showcasing
Indian art, food, music and other facets of India will
be kicked off here next month to celebrate the country's
special relationship with this city … An exciting
collaboration between London-based choreographer Joan
Pires [ex-Nairobi], composer Niraj Chag and the French
aerial company Les Passgers will be held from August
16-20 … For a GVUK profile of Joan Pires, click
UK: Dr Marisa Viegas: Alternative cure doctor suspended
29 Jun: BBC. A doctor who practised alternative medicine has
been suspended for a year after advising a patient to stop
heart medication which led to her death. Dr Marisa Viegas,
50, was found guilty of professional misconduct by a General
Medical Council (GMC) tribunal. Dr Viegas's clinic draws patients
from many countries who are promised integrated healthcare
based on acupuncture, homeopathy and hypnotherapy… For
text, 175 words, click
For the Dr Viegas website click
Edna Fernandes:
State of disunion
Jun: The Guardian (UK). Naseem Khan reviews Edna Fernandes's
Holy Warriors, a sharp-witted dissection of the issue
India can't resolve … Edna Fernandes has undertaken
to track down figures who epitomise the most depressing
facet of Indian life - its holy warriors - as well
as some of their victims … In Goa, Fernandes
is forcibly reminded of the Portuguese inquisition
started by Francis Xavier in 1560 - justice is still
being demanded for 15 village elders killed by the
Portuguese in 1583 in retaliation for five murdered
priests. For the book review, 756 words, click
Holy Warriors is to be published in the UK on 12/07/2007
at £15.99 – check the Guardian link to
buy it at a discount.
Edna Fernandes was born in Nairobi and traces her
Goan roots to AVC. She was educated in London and
has worked as a journalist with Reuters and FT. For
a photograph and profile of her click
B. Almeida: A serious look at Dar`s architectural
July: Sunday Observer (Dar es Salaam). The just premiered
documentary of Dar es Salaam\'s architectural heritage
`Many words for Modern`, has sparked off criticisms
… The film chronicles the architectural heritage
of Dar es Salaam using Anthony B. Almeida who was
one of the first Tanzanians to introduce the new architecture
in the country … Asked for comment, the chief
character of the film, Anthony D. Almeida said he
has been more than honoured with the opportunity accorded
to him in the preparation of the film … He said
that the film had already made architectural landmarks
like The Central Library (1968) … Goan School
- Kibasila, Dar es Salaam … St,. Francis Xavier
Church - Chang`ombe, Dar es Salaam … 940 words.
Anthony B. Almeida was born in 1921. For a profile
of him and his work click
For more photographs of him and his 2005 article,
"To be or Not to be …” Click
Leander Paes: I am just a simple boy from Goa
Jul: Rediff. Leander Paes is fast becoming the Andre
Agassi of India. … “I am just a simple
boy from Goa who has worked very hard to get here”,
he says. 762 words. Click
4 July: PTI. Leander Paes and Martin Damm had a smooth
passage to the men's doubles quarterfinals …
Leander Paes was born in Goa on 17 June 1973. In an
India Express interview, Leander said, “Grandpa
actually designed this home [in Velim] for us. He
was quite a man. He came over from Arusha, in Tanzania.
He was a great doctor and when the Indians were asked
to leave from there, he got a boat with his brother
and sailed to Goa.” For the text of the interview
UK: Mr Trevor
Paes Spared My Blushes
Jul: Daily Mail (UK). Around one in ten people suffers
from excessive blushing. Clive Benson, 35, a property
developer from East Lancashire, underwent a new form
of surgery for it last year and is now cured …
Mr Trevor Paes is a consultant surgeon based at Hillingdon
and Mount Vernon Hospital NHS Trust in Hillingdon
carried out the operation which cured Clive …
The operation costs the NHS £3,000, and is £4,000
done privately. 1428 words. Click
Trevor Paes was born in Dar-es-Salaam in 1953,
the son of the late Dr Joao Franco Paes (was President
Nyerere's personal physician) and the late Celia Paes
(an MP from 1961); brother of Thomas and Tessa Paes
(both in UK). Trevor’s wife is a Dermatologist
and they have two children, Sebastian 9 and Olivia
6. His hobbies include clay pigeon shooting, chess,
keeping fish and eating sorpotel and Goan samosas!
For a professional profile of Mr Paes with a list
of publications, professional qualifications etc.
see http://www.sympathectomy.co.uk/ |
Melbourne: More sex charges for priest
3 Jul: Waverley Leader. A hearing will be held at
Shepparton Magistrates' Court next month to decide if a Clayton
South priest will face trial over rape and sexual assault
charges. Adelrick D'Cruz, 77, is facing 16 charges but due
to ill health was not present at a committal mention held
at the court on June 19 … Det-Sgt Boyd said following
earlier media reports another female victim had come forward
and two more counts of indecently assaulting a girl had been
added to the original charges. 212 words. Click
AirAsia’s Tony Fernandes spreads his wings
4 Jul: Reuters News. AirAsia chief Tony Fernandes sees himself
as Asia's answer to Virgin Group Chairman Richard Branson
or easyJet founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou. But he has a problem:
how to fund his grand plans but he isn't fazed … Fernandes
was born in an upper-middle class family, went to Tupperware
parties with his business-minded mother and studied at Epsom
College before going to the London School of Economics. He
worked for two years as a financial controller for Branson's
Virgin and later became regional vice-president at Warner
Music Group, helping sign local acts … 832 words. Click
Jul: CNN-IBN. Former India cricketer DILIP NARAYAN
SARDESAI passed away in Mumbai on Monday evening
due to multiple organ failure. He was 66. Born in 1940,
Sardesai held the distinction of being the only Goa-born
cricketer to play for India and donned 30 Test caps
between 1961 to 1972 … He is survived by wife
Nandini Sardesai, a sociologist and a member of the
Indian Censor Board, and son Rajdeep Sardesai, the Editor-in-Chief
of CNN-IBN. His daughter, Shonali works on conflict
related issues at the World Bank in Washington DC. For
a Video clip tribute, 5m.12s, click
here. |
(TONY) (born 1947, ex-Zanzibar & Dubai).
Husband of late Josephine. Father of Lavina/George (USA).
Grandfather of Adora. Brother of late Camillo/Monica,
Elvira/Candito (Paul). Son of the late Domingo/late
Joanita. |
Jun. Tulsa, Oklahoma. JOE DESILVA (aged
60, ex- Zanzibar & Dar-es-Salaam). Husband of Elisabeth.
Father of Ian (22) and Aaron (19) in Tulsa. Brother
of Agnel/Tina and children Tania, Andrew (Pittsburgh);
John/Rolina and children Caroline and the late, Alison
(Toronto); Annie/ (the late Manu DeSouza); Ida/Ernest
Remedios, and children Edmond/Bernadette, Egbert, Evans;
Hilda/Colin Franco and children Natasha, Nadia and Nazarah,
(Rhode Island). The funeral will be held on Saturday
July 07, 2007 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Condolences can be
sent to: agneldesilva@hotmail.com
[Info from Stephen de Souza] |
28 Jun: Moshi, Tanzania. LUCIA ANCETINA FORTES
(born 1924). Wife of late Placido. She is survived by her
sons: Des Fortes (Cambodia -- U.N.) his wife Olga, children
Desmond and Ninette (UK) and Herbert Fortes, wife Josephine,
children Heidi and Haddon (all in Canada). Condolences to
27 Jun. Candolim, Goa: BELINDA
OLIVEIRA (Internationally renowned jazz singer).
Daughter of accomplished jazz pianist, the late Remy
Oliveira. Belinda made waves at places like Ronnie
Scots in London, Knitting Factory in New York and
the Basement in Sydney. |
Jun: Milton Keynes, UK. LEO CORREIA
(aged 70, ex-Mombasa). Brother of Victor/Mabel (UK)
and Esmeralda (Perth, Aus). Funeral at 1.45 pm on
Wed. 11 July at St Augustine’s Church, Langcliffe
Drive, Heelands, Milton Keynes MK13 7PL followed by
2.45 at the Crematorium. In lieu of flowers, please
make offers of masses for his soul. Condolences to
Throw away the key
30 Jun: The Australian. Fort Tiracol Heritage Hotel, Goa,
lies at the farthest reaches of Goa, so far from the beaches
of pink and packaged tourists that it could be in a different
state. It almost is … It has found new life as a boutique
hotel. There are only seven rooms … www.heritagehotelsofindia.com
Jade Jagger: My Life in Travel
30 Jun: Independent (UK). Best holiday: Spending two months
in India a couple of years ago. It was fantastic to be away
for that long. I stayed by the coast in Goa, then I travelled
north to Jaipur and Udaipur. It was a great escape. Click
Travel News
30 Jun: Scottish Daily Record. Thousands of young travellers
can finalise plans for 2007/8 Gap Year adventures …
STA Travel, with 25 years of experience in the sector, says
its top adventure trips this year includes Goa (using Jet
Airways flights from £499) …
Australia: Goa holiday for $859
1 Jul: The Canberra Times. …AusIndia Holidays, the
new tour arm of Des Space Travel, which is currently celebrating
its 20th anniversary by offering top value tours to India,
has put together a seven-day yoga, meditation and Ayurvedia
experience for only $859 (land content only) in Goa. Call
1300INDIA or visit www.ausindiaholidays.com
Goa: Airport Woes
2 July: Navhind Times. Even though the Indian Govt. is providing
500 crores to develop Dabolim airport, the Navy is not releasing
the land to enable the work to be carried out … Currently
the airport also has to contend with inadequate power and
water supplies … Currently 700 chartered flights arrive
in Goa annually. The projection for the year 2013-2014 is
4,308 international flights and 17,980 domestic flights.
Battle in skies goes overseas
2 Jul: NDTV. Kingfisher Airlines has no clearance to fly
abroad so it is tie-ups with global players which will let
them take to foreign skies. Sources have told NDTV that
Vijay Mallya has initiated talks with Richard Branson and
other leading global airlines like British Airways, Lufthansa
to forge alliances on international routes where Kingfisher
will feed the Indian sector. What Mallya could also do is
to join the joint venture that Branson is planning with
Air Asia's Tony Fernandes & easyJet's Stelios Haji-Ioannou
for starting the first low cost airline offering global
services. "Vijay is great guy to work with, hopefully
something will work out, we will work together in the aviation
space," said Tony Fernandes, CEO, Air Asia. 307 words.
Tasty Breaks
4 Jul: The Westmorland Gazette (UK). Visit Pearl's
Beach Café, a brightly painted shack right on the
beach at Colva, Goa, and taste the best biryani. It will
set you back the princely sum of 50p and a cold beer is
equally inexpensive, so you can skip the beach activities
for a well-earned siesta after lunch. Goa boasts an impressive
array of seafood restaurants on stilts providing a coastline
view where visitors share stunning, colourful and inspiring
sunsets. Goa Way offers Manchester and Gatwick flight-only
deals from £299-a-head in April. Call 0207-258-7800
or check out www.goaway.co.uk
Ask the experts: just me and my boy
4 Jul: The Times (UK). Q: Mary Nevin wants to find
a holiday to add some cheer to solo Christmas with her seven-year-old
Jane Owen responds: … If you want long haul in order
to guarantee sun, go for the Caribbean, Maldives or southern
India and try to find a hotel with a kids club like this
(rather expensive) one in Goa … For the recommended
link click
For the Times article, click
Susegado Style
5 Jul: Economic Times. This evergreen paradise
of sun, sea and sand has always lured the most unpredictable
of visitors from around the globe, and fair reason why...Goa's
easy-going relaxed, susegado lifestyle makes it one of the
most preferred destinations in India and within easy reach.
1123 words. Click
Property: India.
29 Jun: Property Week (UK). One of the biggest debates for
global property investors concerns is India. Put simply, 'should
I stay or should I go?' Many believe India is crying out for
foreign development expertise and capital, while others say
the opportunity is already over - too much space is being
built, quite apart from the political drawbacks, the creaking
infrastructure and traffic chaos. Adding to the positive view
this week was news that two of the world's largest property
companies, Emaar and Multiplex, are going big in India. Multiplex
has won a $3bn (£1.5bn) construction contract for schemes
in southern India, in Goa, Kochi and Hyderabad, from Emaar.
465 words.
Goa: CM orders chief town planner
to stop works under RP-2011
30 Jun: Navhind Times. Reiterating that the Regional Plan
2011 stood revoked and that all permissions given under it
were null and void, the Chief Minister Mr Digambar Kamat today
instructed the chief town planner to submit a status report
by July 15 on the ongoing constructions under the RP-2011
and to seal those constructions. 434 words. Click
NRIs keen on real estate investment
1 Jul: Times of India. Real estate investment tops the list
of queries received by the Overseas Indian Facilitation Centre
(OIFC) launched by the government … There are an estimated
25 million overseas Indians across 130 countries. 553 words.
Goa closes in on foreign land mafia
3 Jul: Times of India. Goa is no longer ‘susegaad’,
or cool, about foreigners scooping up its land. The government
has woken up to alleged violations in the sale of land to
non-Indians. It has banned registration of land belonging
to foreigners based on affidavits alone, and wants the documents
cleared by the Goa police and home department before any registration
is done. The state has also set up an enquiry committee to
scrutinise all land dealings involving foreigners. 601 words.
Foreigners’ land deals referred to RBI
5 Jul: The Herald (Goa). Around 150 cases of purchase
of immoveable properties in Goa by foreigners have been referred
by the State-Government Committee to Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) seeking necessary action. 454 words. Click
Goa: Victoria
Fernandes calls off strike
Jun: Herald. Following fervent appeals from the general
public, party workers and women groups from St Cruz
constituency, Victoria Fernandes finally withdrew from
her indefinite hunger strike even as the fight against
her non-inclusion in the Kamat-led Cabinet continues.
287 words. http://oheraldo.in/node/25898
Melodies on Goa
30 Jun: Navhind Times. Ben Evangelisto, the comedian who played
so many different characters on the Konkani stage, has released
his new album, ‘Goem Tem Goem’, through the house
of V P Sinari, Panaji. The ten tracks on the album, based
on various subjects are rendered well by the singers. Lorna
begins with ‘Goem tem Goem’, singing of the love,
Goans abroad have for their motherland. 229 words. Click
Ben Evangelisto performs in “Goodbye London” at
Croydon (15 Jul), Swindon (21 Jul) and Wembley (22 Jul).
Goa: Overseas Employment Agency to conduct courses
for jobseekers
1 Jul: Navhind Times. The Overseas Employment Agency of Goa
has finalised plans to conduct a series of free, six-day courses
from August 2007 to March 2008 for Goan youth seeking jobs
abroad in what is officially termed as – ‘scheme
for skill upgradation and pre-departure orientation training
for prospective emigrants.’ The programme has a target
of training 1680 Goan youth in 27 different trades as diverse
as drivers, data entry operators, electricians, accountants,
machinists, draughtsmen/architects, welders and secretarial
stenographers. Click
Now, Goans get to know their CM's
humane side
3 Jul: DNA - Daily News & Analysis. Residents of Goa got
to see the humane as well as firm side of Chief Minister Digambar
Kamat on Monday morning during his first interaction with
the public since taking over the hot seat on June 8. 299 words.
Video: Goa beach gets washed away, others under threat
4 Jul: CNN-IBN. The beaches in Goa are fighting a
battle for survival. The famous Coco beach in North Goa has
already been lost to sea erosion, and more beaches are under
threat too. 1m:13s. Click
'No tolerance attitude' towards rave parties: Goa govt
4 Jul: PTI. The Goa government said it will adopt
a "no tolerance attitude" towards rave parties in
the state. "You just wait and watch...There will be no
rave parties this year. Curbing the trade in narcotics in
the state is top among our priorities," Home Minister
Ravi Naik told reporters here … All foreigners, who
overstay in Goa under false pretexts, will be asked to immediately
leave the country. 382 words. Click
India wins U.S. pledge to unsnarl
its air traffic management system
11 Jun: Aviation Week & Space Technology. India's Aviation
Corporation Program, set up by the U.S. Trade and Development
Agency and India's Ministry of Civil Aviation, will support
a series of air traffic and air space management initiatives
to help India's lagging infrastructure catch up with its booming
air traffic … One contentious issue is the demand by
civilian air traffic managers for India's military to open
restricted air space, particularly … "Mindsets
need to change," says Kingfisher Airlines Chairman Vijay
Mallya. "Restrictions continue to hinder civilian traffic.
Take Goa, a Navy controlled airport that sets severe restrictions.
The military needs to understand it is the common man's tax
money." 1260 words.
Indian takeaway has London drooling
29 Jun: Times of India. Everyone seems to be talking about
Indian takeaway food at London's first Whole Foods store.
The store - part of Whole Foods, the US food-retail phenomenon
- opened this month at Kensington High and offers a superabundance
of choice and eco-idealism … The Indian menu boasts
roasted lentils, matar paneer, spinach and carrots, potato
curry and tandoori rotis as well as naans and lachha parathas
that can all be micro-waved and served hot and homey …
The Indian dishes come for 1.69 pounds for 100 gm. The London
store is spread out over three floors offering 10,000 grocery
items. The Whole Foods Market is at The Barkers Building,
63–97 Kensington High Street, W8. 414 words. Click
India: UK student visas
29 Jun: Rediff. UK universities are pushing for more Indian
talent. But a common misconception here in India is that a
UK education is unaffordable. Nick Jagger, Entry Clearance
Officer with the British Deputy High Commission in Mumbai,
answered questions about UK universities and student visas
during a June 20 expert chat. He discussed employment in the
UK after graduation, the student visa process and resources
for prospective students. For the transcript click
Understanding your child
29 Jun: Goa Plus. What children need most from their parents
is ‘quality time and companionship’, discovers
Christina Viegas. 589 words. Click
Gomantak food in Mumbai
29 Jun: Time Out (Mumbai). In the 15th century Portuguese
influence in Goa took hold and so did their diet, edging out
the region’s traditional Saraswat dishes from the Konkan
region. What we now call “Goan food” is a mix
of influences that would be nearly unrecognisable to a fifteenth
century Goan … Gomantak delicacies are still there to
be found: try sol kadi, mutton shagoti, fried bombil, ambot
tik and teesrya sukhem. 697 words. Click
Spice of 'Little Indias' adds to
Australia's cultural pot
30 Jun: The Age (Australia). Melbourne is now home to over
one-third of Australia's burgeoning Indian population. Australia's
Indian population includes the distinctive Goan community.
But in his tome on multicultural Australia, The Australian
People, the Australian National University's James Jupp said
it has been this diversity that helped forge a collective
Indian identity. 731 words. Click
Fr Raymond J. De Souza: A contrast
in memory
30 Jun: National Post, Canada. After three weeks down under,
and trying the patience of those readers who don’t find
Australia as fascinating as I do, this Canadian leaves principally
surprised at how similar the two countries are … 820
words. Click
Why immigrants say Canada is the
best country on Earth
30 Jun: Calgary Herald. … although they’re referred
to as Indo-Canadians, they see themselves as Canadians first
and foremost … According to the Canadian High Commission
in India, India is the single largest centre in the world
for Canadian immigration, and people hailing from that country
are considered one of the most successful immigrant populations
— in terms of numbers, achievement and contributions
to their adopted home — to ever come to Canada. 910
words. Click
Mombasa: O Gosto do Sangue
30 Jun: Expresso (Portugal). Double page photo spread. Click
We are Canadian. What makes our cuisine
30 Jun: Vancouver Sun. What makes our cuisine distinct? Four
top chefs speak out …Vikram Vij, owner of Vij's says,
“… the bouillabaisse with sturgeons and mussels
is Goan style with a broth.” Canadians can relate to
that Indian-style flavour with local products. Click
India’s hue and cry over paler
1 Jul: Sunday Telegraph (UK). Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan
has been accused of peddling a dream too far – in an
advertisement for skin cream … While darker-hued Indians
spend a total equivalent to £160million a year on such
products – despite doubts about their effectiveness
– the sight of Khan’s chiselled features endorsing
the cream has angered campaigners, who say it is “racist”
to promote lighter skin as superior … In the matrimonials,
the classified newspaper advertisements through which brides
and bridegrooms are sought, a potential bride’s porcelain
skin is ranked as a more desirable attribute than a university
degree. Film stars who are not naturally light-skinned are
touched up to look paler on screen. 477 words. Click
‘Hillbilly Heroin’...
at just £2 from a UK cornershop
1 Jul: The People (UK). Lethal banned drugs similar to notorious
hillbilly heroin are being sold for as little as £2
in cornershops … It is unlicensed in Britain but in
less than an hour we visited three shops in Southall and bought
enough to get high for a week – spending less than £10.
The drug is brought in from India – where it is sold
under prescription to treat colic pain …
It is believed that the drugs are mailed from India by contacts
or brought in by visiting relatives and friends. 391 words.
Editorial: Canada’s values
worth celebrating
1 Jul: Toronto Star. More than 250,000 immigrants and refugees
chose to begin new lives here last year. And scores more are
waiting in line for a chance to start over in a country known
around the world for its diversity, tolerance and prosperity.
Stephen Bennett murder: Holes in
police theory
1 Jul: Hindustan Times. British tourist Stephen Bennett (40)
was found hanging from a tree in Malasai village on 11 Dec.
2006. The police claimed he was murdered by villagers after
he molested a woman and, subsequently, six people were arrested
but a British security agency tracked Bennett's last call
to his family in Cheltenham, UK, to a phone booth in Whadkal,
45 km from Malasai, on 7 Dec.,,, Even the claim of Bennett
having travelled on the Mandovi Express is under a cloud as
the reservation chart of the S-5 coach that he was supposed
to have been in does not list his name … 485 words.
Audio: UK: Racism in Reverse
2 Jul: BBC. Manjot Sumal investigates whether there’s
a growing problem of racism within the Asian community.
Click here.
UK lags behind in prosperity league
2 Jul: The Guardian. The UK has come low down, (17th ) on
a list of the most prosperous countries in the world to live
in … Norway came top followed by the United States and
Sweden in the survey, which considered both material wealth
and general life satisfaction and was dominated by European
and North American countries. India was placed 46th of the
50 countries ranked. Click
Canada gradually becoming a great
tossed salad of humanity
3 Jul: Edmonton Journal (Canada). Editorial: Is multiculturalism
working? Aboriginals are blockading. Muslims are terrorizing.
Blacks are shooting. Surely we can now see that multiculturalism
is a colossal mistake. This is the conclusion many Canadians
seem to have reached. I think they're wrong. And the proof
is in the curry. Click
Videos: India Are sex determination tests misused?
4 Jul: CNN-IBN. Should pre-natal sex determination
tests be allowed? click
Stephen Bennett murder: brother meets police chief
5 Jul: Daily News & Analysis. Murdered British
national Stephen Bennett's brother Paul on Wednesday met the
Maharashtra Police chief and listed "irregularities"
in the investigation into the killing while seeking a fresh
probe. Bennett was allegedly lynched and hanged from a tree
by some persons at Malsai village near Roha while returning
from Goa in December last year.
308 words.Click
For another Indian Express report click
Charity drive with extra spice
5 Jul: Ilford Recorder. Derek Moul plans to drive
2,000km across Southern India in a 1950s car for charity.
He will drive from Goa, across mountains, desert and jungle,
to Cochin in a Hindustani Ambassador - a 37bhp car with no
air conditioning or power steering. 358 words. Click
There is a 'raging controversy' over the issue of public
holidays in Goa/India. Readers of the Goan Voice (UK) will
be quite surprised, as I was, to discover that, there are
so many angles to perceive what such public holidays represent,
and how difficult it is to determine how many there should
be in a calendar year so as to please as many people as
In a short perceptive piece titled Hands Off, Pravin Pavnis
provides a discussion on the merits, or not, of human touch
upon others. He explores the problem of touch by way of
physical punishment on erring students by teachers, the
loving touch upon others and misconstrued touch deemed to
be sexual harassment.
On Goanet we have an interesting presentation of Michael
Moore's recent prize winning film Sicko at the Cannes Festival.
The film, now on general release, severely castigates the
American health system. It also praises the socialised health
care systems of several European countries. Posters on Goanet
are keen "to hear the positive and negative experiences
of health care from those living in Canada, UK, France etc".
Hopefully, GV(UK) readers will oblige in this respect.
In several hilarious pieces but with some serious underpinnings,
find out from [the] Hit and Make approach to Konkani Vocabulary
Building, how new words are accommodated into Konkani. Not
only do we find details of many unusual terms, but there
is also absorbing commentary on their origins and usage.
Zena Costa tells us about the achievement of Goa's Steffie
Cardozo (18) who won a gold medal for the Shot Putt in the
Federation Cup National Athletics Championship in Madurai.
I am sure we will want to wish Steffi well in future competitions.
Finally, several recent posts on Goanet had informed readers
about the difficulty of obtaining labour in Goa for building
work as well as in running restaurants, hotels etc.This
was linked to an in-depth discussion about the mobility
of capital and labour in thriving economic conditions. Likewise,
UK media has told us a lot about Polish workers such as
plumbers, builders and others who have made a beeline to
the UK and indeed undercut British wages. The paradox now
is that Poland itself suffers from an acute shortage of
labour and has had to make arrangements for substantial
replacement labour from India. Will this have a further
deteriorating impact on Goa?
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Britons. History Channel
Sat 7 Jul. 16:00 to 17:00. The all black West Indian Regiment
went from slaves to the heroes of the grand imperial age.
Their struggle for equality shows how our colonial past shaped
modern Britain.
MUSIC: Iain Burnside. BBC Radio Three
Sun 8 Jul. 10:00 to 12:00. One hundred years ago, Pope Pius
X tried to veto modernisation in the Catholic Church, so Iain
Burnside looks at spirituality in music that ranges from Palestrina
to Arvo Part.
NEWS: Asian Network Report. BBC Radio
Asian Network (also online)
Mon. 9 Jul. 18:30 to 19:00. While their white counterparts
now feel accepted by society, most gay Asians find it difficult
to come out. Former EastEnders star Bindya Solanki examines
the difficulties they face when wanting to tell their communities
and families the truth.
COOKERY: Indian Food Made Easy. BBC
Mon. 9 Jul. 20:30 to 21:00. Food writer and chef Anjum Anand
is on a mission to show novice cooks how to cook simple yet
delicious Indian food. In this episode she cooks chicken tikka,
lamb brochettes, tandoori mushrooms and samosas.
DOCUMENTARY: Jatropha: The Wonder
Plant. BBC Radio Four Longwave
Mon 9 Jul. 21:00 to 21:30. Jatropha is a wild plant that is
being cultivated and planted on a massive scale in India for
use as a biofuel. This extraordinary plant may be the solution
to the world's energy needs.
DOCUMENTARY: The Empire Strikes Back. More 4.
Mon. 9 Jul. 22.00 to 22.30.On the new foods brought to Britain
by returning migrants. e.g. curry, sweet potatoes and yams.
Not forgetting the nation's obsession with tea drinking.
CONSUMER: 40 Years of Tanzanite.
Mon 9 Jul. 22:00 to 23:00. From the programme notes: “40
years ago, Manuel de Souza discovered fragments of a beautifully
vivid blue-purple crystal in Merelani, Tanzania. This gorgeous
gem is now known as tanzanite and is prized the world over.”
COOKERY: Great British Food. Discovery
Home and Health
Tue. 10 Jul. 15:30 to 16:00. Tom celebrates the influence
of Indian food on British cuisine, as he goes shopping with
a spice and chutney queen and whips up vegetable pakoras.
See http://www.lanfranc.com/lanfranc_location_2000.pdf
for help in locating Archbishop Lanfranc School, Croydon
Sun. 15 July. Tivim 30th Anniversary
Celebrations. Bishop Thomas Grant
School, Belltrees Grove Streatham, London. Commencing with
Mass at 12.30. Dancing to the sounds of Maz & Co and Nite
Life. Tickets available from: Norma Menezes-Rahim 020 8771
4457; Elu Pires 020 8654 1281; Helen De Souza 020 8304 5585;
Ronald De Souza 020 7485 7878; Ronnie Fernandes 020 303 3386
or Ingrid De Souza 020 8905 3872.
Sat. 15 Jul. 3.30 P.M. Archbishop Lanfranc High School, Mitcham
Road, Croydon. Konkani Dramatic Association
proudly presents Tiatr "GOODBYE LONDON" Written
and Directed by Jr. Nelson. First show in U.K. with talented
artistes from Goa. Heartthrob, Olga Vaz, Singer and actor
Menino Mario, Jet speed singer William de Curtorim, Master
Comedian Ben Evangelisto, Comedian superstar Philip, Multi-talented
Rosita and Topmost Maestro Josinho. For tickets please telephone
Judy on 0208 7632606 or 07949403741, Nina Pinto 0208 7670663
or Cornelius Monteiro 0208 6818716.
Sat. 21 Jul. 6.30 P.M. in Swindon.
Konkani Dramatic Association proudly presents Tiatr
"GOODBYE LONDON" Written and Directed by Jr. Nelson.
First show in U.K. with talented artistes from Goa. Heartthrob,
Olga Vaz, Singer and actor Menino Mario, Master Comedian Ben
Evangelisto, Jet speed singer William de Curtorim. Comedian
superstar Philip, Multi-talented Rosita and Topmost Maestro
Josinho. For tickets phone Xavier Soares on 01793322 661/
Sun. 22 Jul. 12.00 noon Copland Community School, Cecil Avenue,
Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 7DX.
Konkani Dramatic Association proudly presents Tiatr
"GOODBYE LONDON" Written and Directed by Jr. Nelson.
First show in U.K. with talented artistes from Goa. Heartthrob,
Olga Vaz, Singer and actor Menino Mario, Jet speed singer
William de Curtorim, Master Comedian Ben Evangelisto, Comedian
superstar Philip, Multi-talented Rosita and Topmost Maestro
Josinho. For tickets please telephone Damacian Moniz 02083761609
or 07940501196, Mr. Francis D' Silva on 07908591789, Mr. Antonio
Fernandes 02084529406 and Rosy D’ Silva 02083529450
Sun. 29 July. G.O.A. Goan Festival
in conjunction with Goan Organisations at Archbishop Lanfranc
School, Mitcham Road, Croydon. Starts with Holy Mass at 12.15
pm. Contact: Diego Pinto 020 – 8767 0663 Alfred Rebello
020 – 8337 8022. For stall applications: Bernie Gracias
020 – 8723 1322. A coach is being arranged from Harrow
Wealdstone/Edgware/Wembley & Greenford. Price £6.
further details contact: Amelia Gomes 0208 861 2073
12 Aug. Legendary Echoes
is proud to present “ A Tribute
To Elvis”, to mark the 30th death anniversary
of the King. A musical concert featuring Ron Coelho
as Elvis Presley, and supporting cast, at Archbishop
Lanfranc School, Mitcham Road, Croydon. For flyer details
and ticket application form please click
here. |
Sun. 26 Aug. G.O.A.
Sports Day at Archbishop Lanfranc School. Contact:
Peter Rodrigues 020 - 8399 4883. For stall applications: Norma
Menezes-Rahim 020 - 8771 4457
FOR LATER EVENTS SEE http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/ |