Francisco D’Souza: The Future
of Globalized Services |
23 Feb:
Sandhill. Software vendors must embrace new global business
disciplines that will form the basis for the next generation
of competitive advantage. 1845 words. Click
6 Mar: NewIndPress. Cognizant president and CEO Francisco
D'Souza pressed the NASDAQ opening bell precisely at
8 pm IST (9.30 am EST) today 6 Mar.
Click here. |
Francisco D’Souza was
born in Nairobi in1968, the son of Sushila and Placido
D'Souza. For links to more information about him. Click
here. |
Melbourne: David De Souza: Pilot's
on a higher plane |
26 Feb.
Bayside Leader (Australia). David De Souza is an experienced
pilot with his own plane and the time to help others
less fortunate than himself through the Angel
Flight service -- a charity that co-ordinates free
non-emergency flights for financially and medically
needy people. "For me it is a personal feeling
of achievement as I get a huge sense of putting things
into perspective," Mr De Souza said …
He has
been with the service for just over a year, and made
six mercy flights so far. In his next mission he will
undertake a March trip to Mildura to help a poor family
come to Melbourne for leukaemia treatment. David’s
“day” job is a sea pilot with the Melbourne-based
Port Phillip Sea Pilots. Some of his leisure time is
spent flying his Cessna 182T.
David moved to Melbourne from Bandra, Bombay 26 years
ago. He is married to Debbie and they have an 18-yr
old son Keith who is studying physiotherapy at Monash
Uni. Click
here. |
London: Neil D’Souza performs
at the National Theatre |
26 Feb:
Neil D’Souza is in the cast of The Man Of Mode
at the National Theatre, London 26 Feb. to 19 Apr 2007.
He plays the part of Mr Smirk. Meryl Fernandes is also
in the show. Neil trained at the University Of Ulster
and RADA. Some of his performances – Stage: RSC,
Midnight’s Children, A Little Princess, Skeleton.
TV: Happiness, The Bill, Absolutely True. Films: My
Sweet Home. Radio: Goan Flame, The Red Oleander.
His first play –
Small Miracle – will be produced at the Mercury
Theatre Colchester and in London in June 07.
Neil was born in 1970 in Teddington, Middlesex. He is
the son of Rosie D'Souza (born Bombay, nee Serrao) and
Abraham Basil D'Souza (born Mangalore); brother of Karl.
For a profile of him
Click here.
UK: Melanie Carvalho: Buy into the
tomorrow people |
27 Feb: Independent
Extra (UK). How do you know which emerging artists to
watch out for? The ARTfutures art fair gives the contemporary
art collector a chance to buy work by the stars of tomorrow.
A team of curators, led by Jeni Walwin, hand-pick a
thousand or so works by 120 up-and-coming artists and
showcase them in a selling exhibition, with prices ranging
from £500 to £5,000. … |
"It's not just
focused on bright, new talent," says Walwin. "There
is work from more established artists - but I'd point
to two artists who may become very popular over the
next few years. Melanie Carvalho, whose paintings of
unusual flora and fauna of Scotland subvert romantic
landscapes … The ARTfutures show is in London,
8-14 March 2007 - see www.artfutures.org.uk.Melanie
Carvalho was born in Zambia in 1969 but grew up in Bromley,
Kent. Leo, her father was born in Velsao, Goa and her
mother, Barbara was born in London. For some images
of her work Click
Melanie had had a small book published recently called
Expedition, a journey in search of tropical Scotland,
which mentions Goa. For a review of the book
click here. |
UK: Vindalho beats steak and kidney pudding as favourite
English dish
28 Feb: PR Leap. The choice of an Indian recipe from Mignon
Johnson was unanimous by all five judges of a cook-off broadcast
on UKTV Food. The pork vindalho was cooked by celebrity chef
Antony Worrall-Thompson for the show, The People’s Cook
Book … Mignon runs The Saffron Kitchen … Her pork
vindalho recipe will be included in a book of the series,
which celebrates home cooking … the recipe was handed
down by Mignon’s mother … Mignon will be attending
the Exeter Food Festival on Mar 30 to Apr 1 … More information
about The Saffron Kitchen and the pork vindalho recipe is
available from Mignon and husband Andrew Johnson by telephoning
01984 656931 or emailing enquiries@thesaffronkitchen.co.uk
or by visiting the website Click
here. For full text 631 words Click
UK: Hockey: Sanderstead 2 Goan 1
2 Mar. Croydon Advertiser. Sanderstead were unable to repeat
their 8-0 thrashing of Goan earlier in the season, but they
still took the points last Saturday.
Click here.
Patricia Rozario: Faultline |
2 Mar:
Eastern Eye (UK). Feature article: For the first time
ever, choreographer Shobana Jeyasingh and classical
Indian Soprano Patricia Rozario have come together in
a dance piece, Faultline. Currently touring Britain,
the performance focuses on the tensions and contradictions
of a restless Asian youth. For the text Click
Faultline performs on Tue 6th & Wed 7th Mar @ Southbank
Centre, |
Queen Elizabeth Hall, London. For a video trailer
here. For a GVUK profile of Patricia Rozario,
Click here.
Patricia Rozario: BBC Radio 3. 11 Mar 2007. 17:00
to 19:00 Sean Rafferty's guests are choreographer
Shobana Jeyasingh, soprano Patricia Rozario and sonic
artist Scanner ahead of the new work Faultline. To
listen to the programme online before 12 Mar . Click
Toronto: Cesar Correia: Infolink bounces back
2 Mar: Prime Newswire. Infolink Technologies Ltd. announces
that on March 6 the Company's shares will recommence trading
after being directed to cease doing so in Oct 2004 …
Cesar Correia, a former officer and director of the Company,
and still a controlling shareholder and co-founder of the
Company, remains Manager of Operations of Infolink …
Founded in 1995, Infolink employs a proprietary communication
mix that integrates e-mail, fax, and voice broadcast technology
to create the most powerful, cost-effective communication
and information solutions. E-casting(tm), Voicecasting(r)
and Certified Disclosure(tm) are Trademarks of the Company.
For text click
For a photograph and brief profile of Cesar Correia in GVUK
issue 2004-25 click
Manuel D'Souza: Romancing a New Stone
4 Mar. Time. An ambitious jewelry upstart is dusting off the
20th century's greatest promotional coup in its bid to make
tanzanite the next hot rock … geologists are convinced
that it occurs in only one place in the world: in a little
place called Merelani, about 30 miles east of Arusha …
Tanzanite was not "discovered" until 1967 …
Manuel D'Souza, an Indian tailor living in Tanzania who was
a hobbyist prospector, helped bring it to the attention of
Tiffany, and the New York City jeweler signed on for an exclusive
… 2301 words. Click
New and Hard to Come By
24 Jan. 1969, Time … Among the first to realize its
value was a Goanese prospector named Manuel de Souza, who
stumbled across a pocket of crystals in Tanzania in the summer
of 1967 … De Souza and his four sons now stand guard
over their claims with shotguns … 472 words. Click
For the GVUK profile of Manuel D'Souza
Click here.
Joy Fernandes: A Midsummer Night’s
Dream: London 8 Mar. to 21 Apr. |
4 Mar:
The Times (UK). Tim Supple’s thrilling pan-Indian
Shakespeare caused raptures in Stratford last year …
For Joy Fernandes, an English-literature graduate who
plays a poised and deeply serious Bottom, it concerned
movement. “I was a straight actor,” he says,
“so it was a challenge for me to find the physical
dimension Tim needed.
We’ve all had
to learn new skills.” … none of the cast
expressed reservations about their performance: “You
know, we wrote the Kama Sutra,” says Archana Ramaswamy,
a classically trained dancer, who plays Titania and
Hippolyta. “And in our temples, you see half-naked
statues everywhere.” … a quivering Quince
paying considerably less attention to Bottom’s
new donkey’s ears than to the giant protuberance,
in the form of a large aubergine, that dangles louchely
between his legs … A Midsummer Night’s Dream
runs at the Roundhouse, London NW1, from 8 Mar. to 21
Apr. 1383 words.
Click here.
For a video trailer, booking details etc. see http://www.dreamonstage.co.uk/
Joy recently founded Mumbai’s Attic Salt Theatre
- a group that specialises in the serious business of
comedy. He is also a regular on television and in films.
London: Concert on
8 Mar. Harvey de Souza director |
8 Mar.
7pm. Academy of St Martin in the Fields & Southbank
Sinfonia. Harvey de Souza director. Programme to include
Stravinsky Concerto in D for String Orchestra; Pulcinella
Suite; Bizet Symphony in C.
Harvey (and his brother Ralph) de Souza are originally
from Mumbai.
They were awarded scholarships to attend the Yehudi
Menuhin School in England … |
Harvey led the Academy
in performing the music score of From Hell the movie
about Jack the Ripper starring Johnny Depp.
Click here. |
Florida: Seema Desai: A Fork on
the Road |
8 Mar:
Miami Herald. Renaissance woman Seema Desai loves to
entertain colleagues from the University of Miami Miller
School of Medicine with regional specialties …
A post-doctoral associate in UM's department of microbiology
and immunology, Desai has been involved in pediatric
HIV/AIDS research since 1988. She is a Saraswat Brahmin,
member of a priestly upper class from Goa …
For a recent dinner
party, she cooked a mixed menu of dishes from Bengal,
Goa, the Konkan Coast … The meal began with glasses
of Goan sol kadi … Goan grated cucumber and yogurt
salad seasoned with oil-sizzled black mustard seeds
and chopped green chiles with peanuts added for crunch.
Links to her recipes - Eggplant with Shrimp and Fish
Curry with Coconut. Photo and text, 533 words, Click
here. |
From Nina Pinto: Friends of Ven. Fr. Agnelo (UK)
28 Mar: By order of the Managing Committee notice is hereby
given of a General Meeting of the Association of the Friends
of Ven. Fr. Agnelo (UK) to be held on Wednesday 28th March
2007 at St. Boniface Social Club, 185 Mitcham Road, Tooting
SW17 at 7.15pm. AGENDA: 1. Chairman’s Report; 2.Treasurer’s
Report including Seminarian Fund Report; 3. Election of Office
Bearers: a) General Secretary; b) Publicity Secretary; c)
Three Members. Enquiries to Ndpinto@aol.com.
6 Mar. Mombasa, Kenya. XAVIER FERNANDES.
Husband To the late Josepha. Father to Tony, Sally and Norbert.
Funeral service on Thu 8 Mar. at the Holy Ghost Cathedral
at 3.00 p.m. followed by the burial at the Mbaraki cemetery.
Condolences to egid@wananchi.com
[Info from Maureen De Souza]
5 Mar:
(Born 1927 ex-Nairobi). Husband of Maria. Father of
Edmund/Manuel, Sheila/Melvyn (UK), Sandra/Ferdinando.
Grandfather of Ronson, Reanna, Jessica, Jason, Jenelle,
Zale and Zien. Funeral was on 7 Mar. |
3 Mar:
Harrow Weald, Middlesex, UK. MARIA ROSARIA DA
CUNHA (nee D’Mello ex- Moira and Mombasa).
Wife of late Joaquim Da Cunha (ex-Mombasa) Mother of
Roy, Jenny, Cressy and Lynette. Funeral to be held at
St. Joseph Church, 191 High Road, Harrow Weald, Middlesex,
HA3 5EA on Thu 8th Mar at 5pm. Condolences to lubin@freeuk.com
Tel. 020-8863 7461
1 Mar: Mitcham, Surrey, UK. JOAQUIM CAETANO CAMILO
SEQUEIRA. “J. C.” (aged 84 years, ex
Moira, Goa & Nakuru/Kenya). Husband of Philo. Father of
Zeph & Estella/Peter Begley. Brother of Eugenia Borges
& the late Gravetina Pinto. Grandfather of Thomas &
Patrick. Uncle of Alba, Tony, Godfrey, Elizabeth, Yvonne,
Donald, Louisa, & Nita.
Funeral on Thu 15 Mar at 11am at St Michael Catholic Church,
Fern Avenue, Mitcham, CR4 1LS. Interment at London Road Cemetery,
Mitcham CR4 3LA. Donations in lieu of flowers: cheques payable
to the Alzheimer’s Society - send to Donald S. Drewitt
& Sons, 49/51 Upper Green East, Mitcham. CR4 2PF. Condolences
to estellabegley@hotmail.com
1 Mar: Los Angeles, CA . ELVIRA SILVEIRA
(born 1934, nee D’Souza, ex-Dar es Salaam). Wife of
Peter. (ex-Gestetner, Dar). Mother of Steve, Chris, Gina,
Carmen and Savio. Funeral on Sat. Mar 10 at St. Finbar Church,
2010 West Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 91506 at 11.00 a.m. California
time. Condolences to stevesilveira@aol.com
or craiders42@aol.com
[Info from Antu Braganza].
28 Feb: Colindale, London. IGNATIUS JOSEPH FERNANDES
(ex East African Railways & Harbours, Kisumu/Dar es salaam/Mombasa).
Husband of Crescy. Father of Casmiro & Loy/Milly. Funeral
at 10:30am on Fri 9 Mar. at SS Sebastian and Pancras Catholic
Church, 22 Hay Lane, Kingsbury, London NW9 0N. Condolences
to casey.fernandes@btinternet.com
26 Feb: Stockwell, London. SEBASTIAN
LOBO. Husband of Carmelina. Father of Lena. He will
be greatly missed. Funeral to be on Thu. Mar. 8 at St Francis
de Sales Church, 26 Larkhall Lane, London SW4 6SP, then at
Lambeth Cemetery. Condolences to lena.lobo@jpmorgan.com
28 Feb: Candolim, Goa. JOSEPH TEOFILO
GONSALVES. (born 1953). Husband of Zulema. Father
of Zanita and Zelina. Brother of Mathew/Lourdes, Eusebio/Amelina,
late Higino, Peter/Irene, Mathelene/Sebastian (Zanzibar),
Clara/Camilo (UK), Antonette/late Tolentino and Justina/Constancio,
Milagres/Leticia Palha, Gregory/Rosy, Arantelo/Joyce (Qatar).
(ex-Kampala). Wife of the late C. J. George. Mother of Edith/Celly,
Essie, Elma/Louis, Eurema/Roland and Greta/Vivian. Grandmother
of eight grandchildren and spouses, and eight great-grandchildren.
Funeral was at Mississauga on Mar. 1. [Info from G.O.A, Toronto,
25 Feb: Porto Portugal. CONSTANCIO
SARDINHA (born 1941) Husband of Rainah. Father of
Luis Filipe and Rui Manuel.
24 Feb: Tanga, Tanzania. JIMMY LOBO.
Son of the late Mr. & Mrs. Pinto Lobo of Tanga. Brother
of Tessie /the late Eddie de Souza (Dar-es-Salaam), Alex/Guity
Lobo (Toronto), Julianna/the late Carry Almeida (Goa), Mary/Luis
Pereira (Toronto), Annie/Vivian Texeira (England), Victor
(Australia), and Wendy/Philip de Souza (Washington). He will
be sadly missed by all of his nieces, nephews and their children.
Funeral was held at St. Anthony’s Cathedral, Tanga on
25 Feb. Condolences to: maryp1939@yahoo.ca
Goa villas & apts.
for sale |
Indian railways wakes up to the 21st century
27 Feb: The Times (UK). “Travelling by train
in India has always been a once in a lifetime event”
735 words. Click
Goa takes a gamble to attract richer tourists
3 Mar: The Times (UK). Since Western hippies first arrived
in Goa in the 1960s it has been redolent of psychedelic
drugs, full-Moon parties and free love. Now Indian local
authorities, fed up with backpackers and rivers, are trying
to revamp the former Portuguese enclave by developing a
gambling industry that they hope could one day rival Macau’s?
… Five more offshore casinos have been given licences
and five are under discussion, according to Goa tourism
officials. 490 words + Discuss the article Click
Parental origins cause hold-up
over tourist visas for India
3 Mar: The Telegraph. A family were told by the Indian High
Commission it was possible to obtain tourist visas on the
day of application at its offices in London. The father
was not granted a visa since his parents were born in Pakistan.
They had to cancel the holiday to Goa which cost almost
£2,500 and their travel insurance would not compensate
them. The Telegraph advisory service verdict: “I hope
your experience will serve as a warning to others who might
find themselves in a similar situation.” 456 words.
Late Deals
4 Mar: Daily Star. GOA: Thomson offer seven nights room
only at the 3T Royal Goan Beach Club Royal Palm, Benaulim,
self-catering from £403 per person. Depart March 25
from Birmingham International. Includes accommodation, return
flights and transfers. Call 0870 550 2555 or visit thomson.co.uk
4 Mar. The Sunday Mirror. £389. Save £265 on
a holiday to Goa. Fourteen nights' B&B at the two-star
Abalone Resort in North Goa costs from £389pp including
flights from Manchester on March 10. Details: 01293 533338,
Oman Air offers cruise and land-tour holiday to
5 Mar: Gulf News. Oman Air Holidays has launched a "Fly
'n' Float" package that offers a mix of cruise and
shore-based holidays in India, according to a statement
by the national airline … The package costs 268 Omani
riyals (Dh2,680) per adult … 250 words. Click
6 Mar: The Times (UK).
Pete Berkeley and his wife Cheryl are bumped once,
then almost bumped again on their way home from Delhi to
London. 552 words. Click
From hippy hang-out to casino capital
7 Mar: BBC News. On the entertainment cruise ship, Caravela,
the atmosphere is electric. A Russian belly dancer shakes
her body on one end of the floor. On the other, a Caribbean
band sings effortlessly. Goa is on the road to becoming
the casino capital of South Asia … But there are mixed
feelings about the new tag … "We see it as a
problem. The church has apprehensions about the multiplication
of casinos," said Father Loila Pereira, the spokesman
for the state's influential Catholic Church. 856 words.
Goa – Heritage of the flower children
7 Mar: Der Spiegel. Travel article, in German, with 5 photographs.
1145 words. Click
Goa: The Lost Paradise.
7 Mar: Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Germany). Travel article
in German. 726 words. Click
Goa Trading Freak Flag for Cash Bag?
7 Mar: Radar Online (New York). Goa, the hippy party capital
of India has been issuing casino licenses which have even
outpaced Al Qaeda threats … locals are unhappy with
this development, criticizing casinos as "criminal"
and "prostitution-oriented." They obviously haven't
been keeping abreast of the news or may actually prefer
Goa's reputation as a "pedophile's paradise."
Late travel: If you like the heat, get going to
8 Mar: The Times (UK). The tourist season in Goa
will soon draw to a close as the weather becomes a little
too hot … as the heat rises, the prices drop so now
is the time to book … Goaway offers flights from Gatwick
and Manchester from tomorrow, March 16 and 23 and weekly
from April 6 from £199 return -and packages for a
week from £320. Bargain Holidays has a fortnight from
March 24 in the popular resort of Calangute from £499
… Jewel in the Crown has end-of-season offers at the
four star Haathi Mahal Hotel leaving from Gatwick on April
20, 21, 27 and 28 and return two weeks later to Heathrow.
With B&B the price is reduced to £619. www.goaway.co.uk
-020-7258 7800; www.bargainholidays.com
; www.jewelholidays.com
-0870 0672352. 246 words.
Australia (Sydney): Goan Overseas Association NSW Inc.
Jan – Mar 2007 Newsletter is now out. 8 pages. Click
Goanet CyberMatrimonials – Mar. 2007. 23 notices –
for example: Single Goan male, graduate, well settled, UK
based, 47, seeks Goan woman aged 30 to 45. Click
G.O.A. Toronto has a page of links to International Goan
websites. Check which is the most popular –
click here.
Research Articles on HIV/AIDS and
Malaria in Goa
1. Journal of Communicable Diseases Volt 38; No 1 (2006) pp.
74-78 Sexual Risk Behaviours and HIV/AIDS Awareness among
Males in a Rural Community in Goa Vaz, F. S.; Ferreira, A.
M.; Konkani, M. S.; Mothered, D. D.
2. Journal of Communicable Diseases VOL 38; No 1 (2006) pp.
115-117 Determinants of Hospital Stay among Malaria Patients
at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Goa Velim, A. P.; Konkani,
M. S.; Mothered, D. D.; Vaz, F. S.
Video: Lorna's Bebop: The New Nike
1. Mar: Sonia Faleiro Blogspot. The Konkani song Bebdo (Drunkard),
which plays during the new Nike cricket commercial has come
in for as much curiosity and praise …It's a wonderful
song, warm, rich and powerful, and influenced by the jazz
masters of the time. To watch it (2:02mins), Click
For the article written in September 2003 by journalist Naresh
Fernandes narrating the story of Lorna, and the origins of
the song. Bebdo Click
To download the song (Quick registration required),
Click here.
Goa... Going... Gone! Real estate
2 Mar: Daily News & Analysis … Meera, a real estate
broker in the US, moved to Dona Paula two years ago …
DLF is planning to build a mall in Panaji's Patto area whereas
Parsvnath Builders and a clutch of other builders want to
turn Goa's picturesque locales into vast housing colonies
with health clubs, tennis courts, malls, hospitals, and schools
- in short, complete townships. 397 words.
Starry, starry beaches
2 Mar: Daily News & Analysis … Then there is the
doctor who lives in Goa most of the time but he travels to
London every few months on work … Greg Acuna, who relocated
from Los Angeles, and has since written a book and is exploring
setting up an animation studio says: "Goa has an international
vibe, I love living here." 328 words. Click
Love for Goa: Remo calls for artistes’
political lobby
3 Mar: Asian Age. By Pamela D’Mello. Goa needs a "political
lobby" of professionals and those who care to fight political
corruption, communalism and a system which is unfair to the
citizens, popstar Remo Fernandes said. Making an unusual appeal,
Goa’s most popular musical icon said, "Artists
need a political lobby," as he outlined the crises many
face and stressed the need to build a "love for Goa"
… We need a Gandhi," Fernandes said, but declined
to take on the role of a political leader. "I can be
the marching band for the army," pointing out that his
music had sought to rouse people in campaigns for the Konkani
language, or the Regional Plan, seen as widely damaging to
the Goan environment … 417 words. Click
Court convicts Australian
of charges of sexually abusing young boys in Goa
3 Mar: International Herald Tribune. A court on Saturday
convicted an Australian of sexually abusing young boys
in Goa. Warner Wulf Ingo, 44, faces a maximum of life
sentence in prison. Ingo was an important link in a
pedophile racket which operated under the garb of an
orphanage. CBI investigators said "at least 14
to 15 more" Western tourists were involved in the
racket, including suspects from France, Sweden, Australia,
Germany, Thailand and Britain. 341 words.
Click here.
Child sex tourist jailed in Goa
7 Mar: BBC. A court in Goa has sentenced Warner Wulf
Ingo 10 years in jail for sexually abusing children.
He was found guilty of sodomy, unnatural sex with minors,
abduction and criminal conspiracy. Child rights activists
say sex tourism is threatening to become the darker
side of life in Goa's tropical paradise. Goa's government
has said the issue is being hyped, but in a report last
year, the UN said Goa was a "major destination"
for children trafficked for paedophiles, and that sex
tourism in the state was "significant". 311
Click here.
Paedophile found in New Zealand
8 Mar: The Dominion Post (NZ). Eoghan Colm McBride,
68, was sentenced to seven years' jail in Goa for sex
offences against destitute orphaned children in Goa
- part of a child-sex racket. Police confirmed that
they are not monitoring him because he was jailed overseas
… it appears international news reports that he
is wanted by Indian police for skipping bail while on
parole are incorrect. 190 words. Click
here. |
Help arrives for Goans aspiring to
go overseas
3 Mar: Economic Times. Goans scouting jobs overseas will now
be able to use the service provided by the Goa government
… Retired Naval officer Vice-Admiral (Retd) John C De
Silva will head this agency … Goa is one amongst the
few Indian states which has a high rate of migration abroad.
210 words. Click
Tripartite pact signed to conserve
Reis Magos fortress |
3 Mar:
Herald. In a major step towards conservation of 550-year
old Reis Magos fortress, a tripartite agreement was
signed today between the Goa government, Indian National
Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage and Helen Hamlyn
Trust (HHT), UK … Lady Hamlyn, chairperson of
the Helen Hamlyn Trust is donating Rs 3.5 crore for
the project … As per 2004 estimates, the restoration
work was to cost around Rs 3 crores … Lady Hamlyn
who lives in Goa said it’s “my gift for
Goa” … 450 words. Click
here. |
17 Nov. 2002. Sunday
Telegraph (UK). Lady Hamlyn, widow of publishing tycoon
Lord Hamlyn, offered to pay £300,000 to restore
Goa's 16th century Reis Magos. Her offer has been rejected
by the Goa Government. “I am furious and baffled
at what they have done,'' she said. Lady Hamlyn.
Click here. 672 words.
11 Dec. 2002. Indian Express. Everyone loves a good
fight. Click
Topic of Capricon
4 Mar: Times of India. Jug Suraiya writes from Ucassaim, the
little village which is a 10-minute drive from Mapusa. The
Capricon (sic) is the local pub and he describes the current
topics of conversation there. 660 words. Click
Video: In Goa, Holi gets a tribal
4 Mar: CNN-IBN. Away from the hustle-bustle of Goa's beaches
crowded with tourists, there is a small village called Gokuldem.
Its local tribe continues to celebrate Holi in a centuries-old
way, called Shigmo. 1:31 mins.
Click here
Convention centre to come up in Goa
5 Mar: The Hindu. DLF Group, a real estate and construction
major, has bagged the contract for constructing around Rs.
400 crore (approx £47 million) international convention
centre of the Goa Government coming up at Dona Paula near
here … The centre will be completed in 18 months. This
will be a Public Private Participation (PPP) project on 25
acres of land.
Click here.
Two Aussies charged with murder in
6 Mar: Sydney Morning Herald. Two Australians of Indian origin
were arrested on Monday in Goa on charges of murdering a waiter
at a beachside eatery, a senior police official said. The
suspects were identified as 29-year-old Amardeep Singh and
Jaswinder Singh, 26, both accountancy students at the University
of Melbourne. Click
Goa connection: Rave parties in the
drug web
6 Mar: NDTV. … Up market nightspots in Saligaon, Anjuna,
Arpora, Morjim and butterfly island in Palolem - all part
of the rave circuit, which is now spreading to other cities
in India. The Goa connection has been driven by a successive
wave of drug peddlers. In the 1980s Nigerians and Kenyans
… in the early 90s Israelis … In 2002 Russian
druglords made their entry . Click
Catholic Church campaign confronts political corruption
in Goa
7 Mar: UCAN. By Bosco de Souza Eremita. As a state election
nears in Goa, a Church campaign against corruption appears
to have emboldened people to challenge corrupt politicians
… The campaign began in December, when Archbishop Filipe
Neri Ferrao of Goa and Daman alleged that the elected representatives
of people are out to sell the state to "the highest bidder."
813 words. Click
Goa: Rane presents please-all state budget
8 Mar: Navhind Times. The Chief Minister, Mr Pratapsingh Rane
today presented a ‘please-all’ budget for the
financial year 2007-08 levying no new taxes on the common
man in an attempt to woo the electorate towards the Congress-led
coalition, ahead of general election to the state assembly.
Fund-raiser for orphanage
1 Mar: Nottingham Evening Post (UK). An Asian extravaganza
dinner dance at Blotts Country Club will help raise vital
funds for Shakti Anand on Saturday, March 24. Tickets cost
£40 per person. Registered as a UK charity in 2006,
the orphanage is planned for the countryside of Goa, with
£100,000 needed to build a school and accommodation
for 100 children and 30 staff and sponsors. To attend the
dinner and dance or to help with donations, contact Shira
on 07974 813890 or
info@shaktianandorphanage.com For more information see
For text of newspaper article Click
Asthma attack kills traveller
1 Mar: The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald (UK). David Lord,
33, has died in Goa after suffering an asthma attack on a
jungle trek. He was in Goa with his girlfriend Lena Rotas,
26. The two had given up their jobs and sold many possessions
to go on a seven-month round-the-world trip together when
the tragedy struck. The asthma attack developed quickly into
a heart attack and he died within five minutes on February
23. 389 words.
Click here.
Richard Zimler: In search of the
2 Mar: The Independent (UK). Richard Zimler has won global
acclaim for his novels about the Portuguese Jewish diaspora.
He stormed the bestseller lists in two continents with The
Last Kabbalist of Lisbon … The book yoked its sketches
of secret lore to a meaty and moving historical saga which
introduced the Zarco dynasty of Portuguese Jews. Zimler never
harboured plans to write a series but Zarcos returned, first
in Africa and then, battling the Inquisition, in the Goa of
his Guardian of the Dawn. Now, in The Seventh Gate (Constable,
£7.99), the family takes a fourth bow … 1655 words.
Click here.
The Richard Zimler website is at http://www.zimler.com/
Read the first chapter of his Goa book at http://www.zimler.com/books.php
The Fantastic Four help the orphans
3 Mar: Portsmouth News. The youngsters, known as the ‘Fantastic
Four’, created a business to sell handmade silver jewellery
… All profits from the successful venture – part
of the Pompey star Linvoy Primus’ Enterprise Challenge
– were donated to orphans in Goa. For more information
on the charity visit www.chinachallenge.org.uk
156 words.
Click here
Air passenger helped subdue violent
3 Mar: Yorkshire Post. David Green was on a Thomsonfly flight
from Manchester to Goa when he leapt to the aid of the crew
to tackle a violent and abusive passenger. The flight was
diverted to Abu Dhabi where the passenger was off loaded.
534 words.
Click here.
Iqbal Malhotra, filmmaker, made these crabs for Shilpa
Shetty …
4 Mar: Business Standard. The last time Iqbal Malhotra, filmmaker,
made these crabs was a year ago - for Shilpa Shetty. Shilpa,
a friend of Malhotra's wife, was home for dinner, and being
a Mangalorean wanted seafood. So Malhotra cooked her the crabs
- a really simple Creole preparation … the painter Souza,
for instance, whose works the Malhotras avidly collect, loved
his prawn curry … Malhotra grew up in Mumbai with a
Goan cook … 552 words. Click
Karachi: Jazz
4 Mar: Dawn. Karachi seems to have caught the jazz bug …
While Jason was the youngest member of the group, the other
three were senior musicians, and one would hazard a guess
that they were all members of the Goan community, one of this
city’s many ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities.
Among other things, this community is known for producing
talented musicians, many performing with some of the most
successful local pop and rock acts.
Click here
Quebec: Boisclair flips on labour
4 Mar: The Globe and Mail (Canada). Embattled Parti Québécois
Leader André Boisclair has suggested that his party
has some candidates from ethnic minorities who stand a chance
of success, citing long-time sovereignty activist François
Rebello in La Prairie, and the actor Pierre Curzi in the riding
of Borduas. Both men are second-generation descendants of
immigrants: Mr. Rebello's father is from Goa and Mr. Curzi's
father is Italian.
Click here
Mumbai: Waste not, want not in the
£700m slum
4 Mar: The Observer (UK). Dan McDougall reports from the chaos
and filth of Dharavi in Mumbai, where a recycling industry
is helping thousands claw a way out of poverty. See the extraordinary
pictures in our audio slideshow. 1598 words. Click
Canada: An Indian Wedding
4 Mar: The Province (Vancouver). Page D4. Weddings in Goa
from $2500.
For the website
Click here.
Tony D’Souza wins Florida Book
5 Mar: Sun-Sentinel. Sarasota resident Tony D'Souza's debut
novel Whiteman about a young American relief worker in a Muslim
village in Africa's Ivory Coast beat out satirist Carl Hiaasen's
Nature Girl for the top award in general fiction in the first
Florida Book Awards.
Click here.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown: The real reason
for all the white faces at the BBC
5 Mar: The Independent (UK). Jonathan Ross notices and minds
that most black folk in the BBC are silent suppliers of food,
clean floors, functioning machines and cabs: "How many
black people have they got working on proper shows there?"
he asked. "You know the BBC still haven't come up to
speed. I mean, they are trying, bless them." Click
On the Internet, community radio
becomes a reality
5 Mar: DNA - Daily News & Analysis. Nagesh Pai is the
founding chief of Radio Idli, Mumbai's first community Web
radio project … When it began in January this year,
Radio Idli just had 10 members. Today, it reaches an audience
of more than 4000 Saraswats with Konkani as their mother tongue
and has contributors from Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Kochi,
the UK and the US … Pai’s programmes on Radio
Idli include songs, chat shows, interviews and spoofs - mostly
in the Konkani language … He says, “I would love
to see Radio Idli as a setting example of a community unifier.
A platform through which members interact, help each other
and grow together." 660 words. Click
Radio Idli is at http://radioidli.blogspot.com/
Chicken cafreal; Hamburgers. the Floyd Cardoz recipes
7 Mar: San Jose Mercury News (California). Recipes taken from
"One Spice, Two Spice" by Floyd Cardoz with Jane
Daniels Lear (William Morrow )
Chicken Cafreal: 315 words. Click
Hamburgers. 341 words. Click
For the GVUK Floyd Cardoz Supplementclick
Kenya: Anglo Leasing ghost returns to haunt Govt
8 Mar: East African Standard. The Anglo Leasing saga is back
to haunt its architects during an election year … The
Kamani family at the centre of the alleged scam has interests
in flower farms, infrastructure, telecommunications, project
financing, real estate, cotton, Diani Reef Beach Resort in
Mombasa and Radisson Whitesands Resort in Goa, India. Click
Britain hikes visa fees
8 Mar: Herald (Goa). Britain on Wednesday announced
a hike in visa fees for Indian and other non-European Union
citizens in various categories and a raft of measures to deny
work, benefits and services to illegal immigrants. £750
pounds for the ‘indefinite leave to remain’ visa
… £400 for Highly Skilled Migrants Programme (HSMP)
visa … £99 for the student visa … 369 words.
Text at http://oheraldo.in/node/22978
London: Tongues on Fire - Asian
Woman Film Festival
9 Mar: Exclusive screenings of the films Water, Provoked and
Namesake will be part of the annual Tongues on Fire which
runs from 9-31 March. … The Namesake, a film by the
acclaimed director Mira Nair about an Indian family who move
to New York in the 70s. Water is Deepa Mehta's Oscar nominated
film set in India during the 1930s … The domestic violence
film Provoked, directed by Jag Mundhra and starring Aishwarya
Rai and Naveen Andrews, will premiere on 18th March at the
ICA. Some other screenings include Nina's Heavenly Delights,
Hiding Divya and Dor. For the Festival website see http://www.tonguesonfire.com/
Much has been commented on schooling and education in Goa
in recent weeks. However, in a kind of synthesis re the
various issues raised, Miguel Braganza provides a substantial
and well written commentary titled---The Question of Schooling/Education
and the Problem of Generalisation.
Many thousands of Goans have left Goa, especially the Christians,
for economic reasons over recent centuries. This process
shows no sign of abatement and new 'pastures' are constantly
being explored. However, rather strangely, those working
in the Gulf in the Middle East region appear to be maligned
by some and an interesting discussion has emerged on Goanet
on this issue.
Goa Research Net has an interesting article about the thoughts
of Dalit scholar and journalist, Chandra Bhan Prasad. In
reporting from Goanet, "His latest idea is the anti-thesis
of the saying---'language is the cradle of civilisation.'
Prasad suggests that, the ethnic languages of India are
carrying forward ---generation after generation ---the prejudices
and biases of casteist Indian minds." The article is
excellent and 'a must read' in challenging stereotyped thinking
on a perennial issue. Hopefully, Goan Voice (UK) readers
will analyse the content in the article and provide commentary
to Goanet.
Is access to a good college education in Goa/India and a
degree on completion, merely a conduit or a passage to the
West? A debate on this paradoxical issue is ongoing on Goanet
and once again, GV(UK) readers are encouraged to contribute
to this debate.
At perhaps a more mundane level but with some considerable
passion has been the debate about the use of fingers, spoons,
knives, forks and chopsticks in different eating environments.
In particular, rather unusual observations have been reported
about European and American variations in the use of cutlery.
Clearly for some among the Goanet readership, there is more
than meets the eye on this 'vexatious' issue!
Finally, do read a humorous but insightful short piece on
Goan Pretensions by Selma Carvalho. Hopefully, GV(UK) readers
could add to the fascinating insights and details provided
by Selma.
More details can be found at the Goanet archives at http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/
Or to subscribe to Goanet, send an email to subscribe@goanet.org
DRAMA: The Saturday Play. Zubeda.
BBC Radio Four
Sat 10 Mar. 14:30 to 15:30. Epic love story set in rural India
at the turn of the last century.
DOCUMENTARY: Private Passions: BBC Radio Three
Sun 11 Mar. 12:00 to 13:00. Michael Berkeley's guest is historian
William Dalrymple.
DOCUMENTARY: Ages Apart: BBC Radio
Mon 12 Mar. 20.00 to 20.30 Different generations of immigrants
from different ethnic backgrounds are brought together.
DOCUMENTARY: The Last Days of The
Raj. Channel 4 – also online
Mon 12 Mar. 21:00 to 22:35. The Last Days of the Raj. Drama
documentary charting the six months leading up to independence
in India in 1947.
Thu 15 Mar. 23:20 to 23:50. Asian arts and lifestyle magazine.
Includes alternative Indian cinema and the top Asian wedding
See http://www.lanfranc.com/lanfranc_location_2000.pdf
for help in locating Archbishop Lanfranc School, Croydon
Sat. 14 Apr. 6.45-11.00 pm South
East Goans presents "Carnival de Goa". An
evening of fun and entertainment with Maz & Co. at Hurstmere
School Hall, Hurst Road, Sidcup, DA15 9AW. Adults - £11,
children 6-12 yrs £5, under 5's free. Meal and free
drink on entry included in the ticket price. Contact: Ron
0208 303 3386, Chris 01322 400732, Dom 07854490617, Tat 0208
316 1473.
Sat. 21 Apr. – TIATR,
TIATR, Goan Cultural Society proudly presents a Konkani
Tiatr “GIRESTKAI” written & directed by Goa’s
Radio Star, Anthony Marques, at St John’s Hall, Bourne
Hill, Palmers Green, London N13
at 3.00pm. For details contact:- Bella – 020 8372 1253,
Ida – 020 8881 2921, Camilo – 020 8801 3637 &
Marques – 01628 783889.
Sun. 29 Apr. – TIATR,
TIATR, Goan Cultural Society proudly presents a Konkani
Tiatr “GIRESTKAI” written & directed by Goa’s
Radio Star, Anthony Marques, at Archbishop Lanfranc Hall,
Mitcham Road, Croydon at 2.00pm.
For details contact:- Nina – 020 8767 0663, Cornelius
020 8681 8716, Bella – 020 8372 1253, & Marques
– 01628 783889.
FOR LATER EVENTS SEE http://www.goanvoice.org.uk/ |