Goan Voice Newsletter: Saturday 26 Jan. 2019
News Summary |
The men of the PIDE
24 Jan: Visăo (Portugal). In a new book, The Five Pillars of PIDE, Irene Flunser Pimentel draws a picture of the most popular elements of Portugal’s political police … Casimiro Monteiro was the son of a Portuguese military man and Indian mother born in Goa … Very soon he became a young adventurer, who deserted the Portuguese Army, joined the French Foreign Legion, the Spanish Civil War and a gang of robbers in the UK where he worked as a butcher, married the boss's daughter and had two children… In the early 50's, it has also been at Scotland Yard informant and collaborator of a jewelers theft gang, being forced to leave Britain, after being arrested. In another version of history, Casimiro Monteiro have obtained British nationality in 1950, at age 30, while built a "character" using the false identity of a Pakistani. In 1952, it was implicated in a robbery at a jewelery that went wrong, because one of the employees was murdered and the police tried to arrest him, but he fled to Bombay, with its new partner, the British Joan Raymond, and son. The couple settled in Goa … He volunteered the Portuguese authorities to fight the independence Goan movement involved with the torture of suspects in Valpoi police station … Returned to Portugal in 1964, he was integrated into the framework of the PIDE and the murder of Humberto Delgado and Eduardo Mondlane, the first president of FRELIMO… he fled to Mozambique and died in South Africa …
Five Pillars of PIDE will be in bookshops from Jan. 29. It will be released on February 12, at El Corte Inglés in Lisbon … 3636 words. click here Wikipedia: Casimiro Monteiro (Goa, 28 December 1920 - Richards Bay, 25 January 1993) also known as Agente Monteiro, was a notorious figure in Portuguese Goa …
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Canada: Annual RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards
Canadian Immigrant. Nominations are open for the 11th annual RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards. This coveted national award recognizes the achievements and accomplishments of Canadian Immigrants. It seeks to uncover and celebrate their stories and success. If you know of an immigrant who has made a positive impact or is an inspiration to others, select the link below. This year, one winner each will also be recognized for our Youth Award and the RBC Entrepreneur Award. We are also proud to bring back the Settlement Agency Award again this year. The RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrant Awards will crown one agency winner based on your nominations and voting! If you know of a Settlement Agency that works hard to help their local community, make sure to help recognize them, select the link below Nominations close on Monday, February 22, 2019, 11:59 p.m. EST… click here
Gabriella D’Cruz – Committed to Conservation
25 Jan: Navhind Times. A Saligao resident, Gabriella D’Cruz is a marine conservationist who has recently graduated with a Masters in Biodiversity Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford. She currently lives in Edinburgh where she is studying seaweed for its ability to solve the ocean’s plastic problem and create enterprise among coastal communities. Via an email interview, she shares her views and hopes for the ocean especially Goa’s coastline.,,, she says, “I am very fortunate to have amazing parents who have supported my career throughout. When I was eight years old they took away the television and subscribed to the National Geographic magazine instead. As you can imagine, this didn’t go down well with eight-year old me, but as a result I spent much more time outdoors, read a lot and had a great childhood. Goa is such a beautiful place to grow up in with its beaches, estuaries, rivers, coral reefs and rich coastal heritage. Engaging with these spaces brings out the child in me and there’s nothing that makes me happier… click here
For the Oxford University profile of Gabriella D’Cruz,
click here. |
Video: Suella Braverman MP on BBC Question Time
24 Jan: BBC. Fiona Bruce presents debate from Winchester. On the panel are the Brexiteer and former Brexit minister who resigned her post over Theresa May's deal, Suella Braverman MP, the shadow secretary of state of housing, John Healey MP, chief leader writer at the Observer and former policy adviser to Ed Miliband, Sonia Sodha, the executive chairman of the communications agency Cicero Group, Iain Anderson, and Express columnist and radio host on the weekday breakfast programme at LBC, Nick Ferrari. Duration 59 mins. click here Question Time: Brexiteer Suella Braverman raises eyebrows over remarks ‘self-appointed MPs’ have ruined Brexit …
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Goa's golden goose of tourism hurt by overexploitation
25 Feb: UCAN News. By Bosco de Souza Eremita. The planeloads of foreign tourists and pleasure-seekers are no longer descending on the coastal state of Goa — a bastion of Christianity in India — with such regularity, lured by its palm-fringed beaches and hippie vibe. The lines of local tourists have also shortened in this former Portuguese colony … For the first time in years, hotel occupancy rates reportedly shot down to around 50 percent on average over Christmas and New Year … But now Goa's tourism industry is in trouble, industry experts say, and increasing costs are just one factor. Britain's Rob Humper has been a regular visitor in the past but he doesn't plan on returning anytime soon… "I don't blame the locals for wanting more profit, but I wonder if they've shot themselves in the foot," Humper added… 1340 words. click here
Inside Prevent, the UK’s controversial anti-terrorism programme
24 Jan: Financial Times (UK). The government says its strategy has diverted more than 1,200 people from extremism. But at what cost? … In a chicken shop on London’s Elephant and Castle roundabout, Anjum Khan is eating a burger and discussing how to bond with extremists… In the past decade, he has worked with more than 100 people, aged between eight and 60, referred to Channel. His job as a freelance mentor, contracted by the Home Office, is to challenge extremist views and address underlying problems such as feelings of anger, cultural displacement or resentment… He revels in his own anonymity, telling me “there’s a lot of Anjum Khans”. He reveals only that he was born in east Africa, moved to west London with his family aged five, and spent his twenties working in the entertainment industry. He hints at a wayward spell in Goa but had a “reality check” when his father was dying and he came home to take over the family’s corner shop. It was then that he reconnected with Islam. His path to counter-radicalisation started with a job as a volunteer mentor, progressing to a career in youth offending and eventually running the first ever Prevent pilot in south London… click here
Devadasis in Karnataka Fight Back
25 Jan: The Devadasi system, a practice that has been a part of southern Indian life for ages, still continues in parts of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. On January 19, thousands of devadasis (servants of God) from different regions of Karnataka demonstrated highlighting the plight of their struggle… The 1982 Act abolished the devadasi system. However, the system is still prevailing in the state,.. These girls, who are dedicated to God cannot marry any mortal. When these young girls attain puberty, their virginity is sold to the highest bidder as dictated by the devadasi system. The younger ones face the worst form of exploitation, forced to become sex slaves … Nearly one lakh devadasis are there in Karnataka itself… Simply, the ancient inhuman practice that entitles a supply of concubines to upper caste and wealthy men under the shield of religion is still crushing girls from the oppressed classes and castes.
1197 words. click here
Russia: Tours to Goa are sold on the cheap
25 Jan: Tourdom (Russia). Weekly tours in Goa from 38–40 thousand rubles [£440 – 460 approx] for two people can be found in the online booking systems of tour operators on January 27. The offers are valid for hotels of the minimum category and departures from Moscow for the nearest dates - up to January 30 inclusive. Note that with this only one flight of the round trip on the route Moscow - Goa - Moscow for two will cost 30 thousand rubles… Most observers believe that there is no cause for serious concern. They emphasize that special offers of tour operators are of a single nature - service providers sell off the remnants of the seats on the sides … Today it also became known that tourists in the main resort state of India will be fined for drinking alcohol on the beaches. For violation of public order will have to pay 1 800 rubles… click here For the Russian original,
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